By: posthumous [2006-10-14]


yer Sunday comix

Bullshit! [2006-10-14 21:45:05] König Prüße, GfbAEV
The luck of the draw!
bullwhip! [2006-10-14 23:10:51] perfktMperfktshn
...yeah and i bet they all had a "hand" so to speak in makin the bulls bowels loose...yehawww ride'm cowboy.....
Poor Cowboys! [2006-10-15 01:56:09] König Prüße, GfbAEV
I guess they'll never live-down "Brokeback"
drawing from experience [2006-10-15 04:52:22] pithymood
looks like posthumous drew loosebowels, or are those just racing stripes?
Chaps! [2006-10-15 13:45:47] König Prüße, GfbAEV
Maybe their butts are chapped!
Huh [2006-10-15 20:49:03] Andrew
I sort of figured all cows just pooped everywhere all the time.
Cow Bingo [2006-10-16 07:10:10] König Prüße, GfbAEV
Yeah. Cows seem to poop a lot. They have cow poop bingo where they mark-off a field into squares and bet on which square the cow will dump a load. Anyway, one time I'm riding the BART from Walnut Creek in to
Berkeley, and a fine beyhooch starts up with a bunch of stuff about weeld heeland cooz! Hey, lordy mama! Ain't nothing I like better than a juicey cooz! But it turns out that she's from Scotland, and talking about wild highland cows. That really chapped my butt!!!
chip off the ol' block... [2006-10-16 10:35:00] perfktMperfktshn
perhaps cows poop alot onaccounta they got 4 stomachs....i'll back ya up on the cow chip of the cunrty schools in this town used that game as a fund raising attraction...i bet the cow~boys frum brokeback poop alot too..
Poopalong Cassidy [2006-10-19 01:18:00] König Prüße, GfbAEV
There should be a list of cowboys that didn't make it to the rodeo.
~there should be a list... [2006-10-19 10:44:29] perfktMperfktshn
..butt let me guess..its prolly lost in that stack of magazines over there

The Old Jism Trail [2006-10-20 02:41:31] König Prüße, GfbAEV
The Old Jism Trail
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