By: Sean [2007-01-25]

A Letter to Lettuce

Dear Lettuce,

I’m writing to ask you to please keep your distance.  I’ve tried to live in peace with you, but it’s become clear to me that that just isn’t going to work, and keeping our distance going to take work from both of us. 

I suppose I owe you an explanation. 

Ever since we first met, I’ve just never been that crazy about you.  In fact, your popularity has puzzled me.  I mean, you’re not bad, but you’re not really anything, are you?  You don’t taste like anything.  Nor are you filling.  I think I could eat an entire head of you and only feel hungrier than I was before.  In a salad, you skate by only due to the presence of dressing.  In fact, given your lack of taste and fillingness, I have for some time now believed that you are for most people only an excuse to eat dressing. 

It has also always been problematic between us, Lettuce, when it comes to cleaning you.  Sure, putting you in a colander and tossing you around under some running water washes away the dirt, but will do nothing for the bacteria which we’re constantly reminded could be clinging to you these days.  What am I supposed to do?  Scrub every one of your individual leaves?  I’m sorry Lettuce, but I don’t have that kind of time.  Your pay-off is just too little.

Lest you think I just have a problem with all of your type, let me go on to tell you that for a long time now, I’ve been a big fan of the cucumber.  Cleaning is as easy as peeling, and the Greeks have shown us that your role in salad can be wholly accomplished by cucumber, and with much more satisfying results.  A quick glance at the right websites will show you that the cucumber’s uses are many and varied.  Easy to prepare, and with a delicious, mild taste, it’s basically everything you aspire to be but can’t.  Why can’t you get your act together like that, Lettuce?  Why can’t you be more like the cucumber?

I’m sorry.  That’s not fair, to compare you to the cucumber.  You are what you are, and I am what I am.  And it’s just not going to work.  That’s why I think we should end our relationship, once and for all.  I’ll stop buying you, thinking that this time maybe it’ll be different.  And you stop showing up unexpectedly in my sandwiches, or on the side of my plate.  You do your thing, and I’ll do mine, and never the twain shall meet.  I hate to end it this way, but I think it’s the only way it’ll work.

Best of luck for the future, Lettuce. 

Broccoli [2007-01-25 02:12:14] König Prüße, GfbAEV
...Brussel Sprouts. Okra. Arugula.
Reasons for lettuce: [2007-01-25 06:31:32] zeP


Also, it's a little sweet.
that's right zep [2007-01-25 16:41:52] casey
The texture of cool crunchiness is the main thing for me. A taco for me contains meat, lettuce, and cheese. To think of eating it without the lettuce pains me.
Cilantro [2007-01-25 20:08:06] König Prüße, GfbAEV
For me, a good taco has cebolla and cilantro.
Have [2007-01-26 02:12:07] zeP
you tried something other than iceberg/romaine lettuce? Butterleaf lettuce has a taste beyond cellulose and water. Namely, butter.
Chinese Cabbage [2007-01-26 02:20:46] König Prüße, GfbAEV
My dad had gotten some Chinese Cabbage seeds from a guy in Washington State, and they would grow here ten months out of the year. In the Spring, it tasted like sweet lettuce and grew past the frost and even when there was snow on the ground. After the frost, this Chinese Cabbage would get spicy and a little hot, and was good both raw and cooked. Not bok choy.
Fiber? [2007-01-26 06:51:57] Andrew
I think you're fogetting that lettuce is a gread source of fiber.....pooing comfertably and helpping to prevent colon cancer...lettuce is working for you!
Andrew? Is that you? [2007-01-26 16:13:18] König Prüße, GfbAEV
Were you in Louisiana during the hurricane?
Did you hear about the religious aerosol salad dressing? [2007-01-27 05:51:53] König Prüße, GfbAEV
Lettuce Spray
Chinese Cabbage [2007-01-27 08:04:05] zeP
Also known as Napa cabbage. Fry it in sesame seed oil.
Wild Black Sesame Oil also Red [2007-01-27 10:06:18] König Prüße, GfbAEV
Sesame oil is very rich for my palette, so I temper some other kind of cooking oil, and then ad a bit of sesame oil. One local store, I swear they have about two dozen varieties of sesame oil! I've never had much success cooking lettuce, but wilted spinach is fine. One neighbor got me going on mirin Japanese rice wine for cooking.
~u said~ [2007-01-28 06:51:35] perfktMperfktshn
u said head ...tee hee...umm sean i dont think lettuce can read...maybe taters coz they have eyes...lettuce just has a head ask the corn has ears ..maybe the river will answer ya for the corn coz it has a mouth...
Iceberg and Romaine [2007-01-28 22:02:30] Sean
I don't think I've tried any other lettuce varieties. Maybe that's the problem.

Actually, I've had lamb's lettuce too, and it's no better.

I hate that bitter white stump in the lettuce. When people include it in a salad I want to stab them.

Lettuce [2007-02-08 15:18:30] TEM
I remember a small child looking at a picture in a menu of a gigantic hot dog. His eyes alive with excitement as he told his parents "I want the Super Dog". When it arrived his excitement went from surprise to despair as he sat behind a platter holding a regular sized hot dog on a bun smothered in shredded lettuce, onion and relish. Fortunately his mother saved the day by using a napkin to remove the offending ingredients. Ahh so young and tender to learn about truth in advertising.
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