By: Sean [2007-02-22]

Dumb Things Europeans Say About America

I've lived in Europe for four years. I've actually heard these things said more than a few times.

  • "You're not Irish, you're American." Weirdly enough, I've seen more English than Irish get upset about this one. Why? Do you honestly think Americans who say it are claiming to be ethnically Irish? Or, maybe, just maybe, do you suppose they say "Irish" to mean "of Irish descent"? I suspect you know exactly what they mean, and choose to ignore it because this is one of the particularly tendy ways to point out Americans being idiots, despite it making no sense and being retarded.

  • "One thing you don't realize until you get there is how big America is." Oh really? Have you looked at a map? Hey, let's move the conversation to the recurring favorite topic about how bad Americans are at geography.

  • "America's aggressive foreign policy can be explained by its youth as a nation; hundreds of years ago, European nations were all warring with each other at the drop of a hat too!" Wow, it's as simple as that! Christ you're intelligent! Yes, I've actually heard this from people. Also: hundreds of years ago? Try up until the late 1950s. Some might say that losing control over global empires, two new superpowers on the block, and massive war debt prevented them from having the means to be the bullies they once were, but that's just American baby-speak, as we shout "You, all right! I learned it by watching you!" eastward, then storm off to our rooms to blare some Metallica. Anyone who's not a moron can tell it was a sudden flash of enlightenment and goodwill in the hearts and minds of European nations. Americans should hope to one day evolve so highly.

  • "Americans are so culturally self-absorbed, they don't bother to learn any other languages." And neither do the English; why don't we ever hear that about them? Maybe if English was as useful in the global marketplace as, say, Flemish, we'd have to study up too. But at this moment in time, English is the lingua franca, probably due to England's colonial days spreading the language far and wide, and its and now America's position in the world. It wasn't always English, and it won't be English forever, but right now it is. There's nothing about being born in Norway that makes you smarter or less lazy; you learn English because, unless you want to be isolated from the rest of the world, you pretty much have to.

  • "They call them 'French Fries' to make them sound fancy; they're actually Belgian." French... Fries... From... Belgium... cannot reconcile these two facts... Think hard about it. Consult a history book.

  • "Their money is all the same size and color!" I have no idea why this one riles up so many Europeans so much. See it's got these numbers printed on it that say how much it's worth, and somehow the even blind survive. While people who have this complaint are apparently less capable than those born without vision, somehow the fact that none of our coins say how much they're worth on them is A-OK.

Lest you think I'm anti-European, see my previous post: Dumb Things Americans Say About Europe.

Cheese! [2007-02-22 02:07:50] König Prüße, GfbAEV
Anyway, I wish that MacDonald's and Disneyland weren't the cultural face that America chooses to put forth. There was a funny teevee show about Germans getting old American cars and driving them around through the countryside. American's try to import and mimic what they think is good about Europe. With varying luck.
America is more then just the United States [2007-02-22 03:03:12] El Matador
I know that it has America in the name but people from south america are also Americans. Problem is that most of the world does not recognize that. Especially people from the US. Everyone just sort of ignores South America, except when it comes to exploiting it.

Sorry, too much Latin pride.
Mexicans! [2007-02-22 03:42:22] König Prüße, GfbAEV
My degree is in international development, Latin American area specialty. It isn't as bad as it was, but a lot of Americans think that all Latinos are Mexicans. Anyway, there's a big Who's Who From Latin America in Washington. I like the saying, "Poor Mexico! So far from God and so close to the United States!" Most Europeans don't behave as badly as the Americans when visiting Mexico.
"Especially people from the US." [2007-02-22 07:12:09] Sean
No one anywhere in Europe says anything other than "America" when refering to the US (except maybe "the states" when they want to show how damn casually they refer to it). But it's "especially the US" responsible. Big bad US. Good thing you know exactly what's what.
Ya'll know we're just simple country folk. [2007-02-22 11:13:43] Hatless Jack
You'd think as one of the more educated countries and the most technologically advanced country in the world we'd get more credit for the smarts stuff. It's like we shithammered together the Apollo program out of rock and tiny bits of yarn. And I never understood the cultural thing. Doesn't rassl'in, possum shoot'in, and NASCAR count for something?
Ricky Bobby [2007-02-22 11:38:09] König Prüße, GfbAEV
The whole Cold War missle race was about, "Our Germans can beat your Germans!" Except at the lawnmower races. There was an interesting comparison of the support crew for a NASCAR car vs a Formula One car, anyway more guys for F1--
~when will they ever learn~ [2007-02-22 12:08:01] perfktMperfktshn
..cmon people..we r all animals on the big blue ball...i dont like everything u like..u dont like everything i like..we do things different coz thats what we unto others...duhh.. case closed...

nice to see no one took over the village idiot position whilst i was away
Big Blue Balls [2007-02-22 12:39:11] König Prüße, GfbAEV
Don't go there, girlfriend!
Stoopid Americaines! [2007-02-22 23:46:59] König Prüße, GfbAEV
Always washing their socks in the bidet!
~bidet~ [2007-02-23 10:43:27] perfktMperfktshn that kinda like a shit, shower and a shave sans the shave?...stoopid would be mistaking it for a waterfountain...wouldnt sumone feel like an ass drinkin outta that...well they may feel like an ass butt they wouldnt be thirsty...
~do not enter~ [2007-02-23 10:48:36] perfktMperfktshn
..dont go where? awww hells naw, u di'nt..dont be all like up in my grill tellin me where i can go ... i do wut i wunt...(within reasonable legal limits*)

*it aint illegal 'less ya get caught
instead of an answer. [2007-02-23 18:31:57] theofanis
bkoz no question was asked.
(try to answer some of mine ones)
i've been wondering in how many countries have u been.
other than france.

wanna know some other opinions that EU (but also non-EU) countries have 4 the

try Finland, Greece perhaps (my country); Albania, Portugal, Letvia and many other that i can't really remeber all countries that the amazing 0 number of soldiers in that reckless war of yours; against a country that is so weak that can't even stop the f***ing civil war that goes on... (none can; why would you?)
you just want the oil that comes out of that poor land or just the pipe that will go thru it. bkoz it's more way more easy 4 u 2 control a govenment puppet other than pay the hundends million (billions?) of dollars that the same pipe would have cost u in any other case.

further more. we all think that the reckless driving of that wicked brainless prick that u have as president, who is the main reason that the temperature raises by 3 Celcious every 10~20 years (!). I'm talking bout the refusal of his and the moron dad of his 2 refuse the Kioto protocol. (just bkoz it'd cost way 2 much. -.-)(stop spending billions of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ in iraq and do it then.) -.-

you are the reason that 100+ out of 250billion metric tones of CO2 have been gathered within the earths atmosphere the last 150 years.

2 end with (how can u ever end with this nation that has litterally corrupted the whole planet with everything that comes out of that land. like a plague
(movies/mc donalds/habbits/wars) and everything that goes along with it.)

u call ur self Americans. so do the rest of the AMERICANS.
CENTRAL america
SOUTH america
and of course the lil "brother of urs" canada who also is part of NORTH america.
still they preffer 2 call them selfs Canadians. bkoz being an american is so unoriginal; almost "unidentified"
we claim 2 be Eurpeans but we call our selfs with the nationality of ours.
GREEKS/FRENCH/GERMAN/FINNISH (or SUOMI)/ etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc

1 lil q 4 ya.
why am i afraid 2 make kids?
why am i afraid that the completely reckless and usless goverment of urs will have tortured this planet till it's been teared appart...?
why, everywhere that prick "George W. Bush" shows up, hundrends of thousands or protests show up 2 tell him get outta here; u spoil our land.
it must b bkozwe don't f***ing like you.

some of these things i wrote r the common feelings that 98% of the greek population feelz; as well as the vast majority of EU citizens.
so think wiser and more open minded before u say such a dumb thing as this:

Dumb Things Americans Say About Europe

or even worse:

Dumb Things Europeans Say About America

i'd write a book bout this. but i've more important things that using more of this stupidly plain language that u call; english.

ps.: no hard feelings. you are nothing.
ps.: YOU=USA
Jefferson [2007-02-23 20:08:11] König Prüße, GfbAEV
Plz read some Thomas Jefferson. He was one of America's foundering foreskins. Anyway, there will always be an America! I love America! But there will not always be a USA! And I'm way glad of that. You're right! I look around here at all of the yuppie crap that is soooooo eighties, and these car dealers and mall bunnies want to keep going, it's their thing. They are killing people through their selfish stupidity, and it ain't none of my doing. They don't pay me to watch their back while they're raping the planet, and they don't have a gormless clue!!!
Eurotrash [2007-02-24 05:42:12] König Prüße, GfbAEV
Yeah! Bring it on!
Please add to my list... [2007-02-24 20:07:04] Sean
...everything theofanis said.

I've been to the US, Canada, Mexico, Japan, Germany, Ireland, England, Denmark, Holland, Belgium, France, Finland, the Czech Republic, Austria, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Spain, Italy and Greece, including Ios, Athens, Patras and Thessaloniki.

Thessaloniki is one of my favorite cities I've ever visited, and the people in Greece were among the nicest and friendliest I've ever met anywhere. For anyone considering going, I recommend it, and assure you I didn't meet one Greek who was like the jerkwad above.
~let he who is~ [2007-02-25 00:47:07] perfktMperfktshn
..without sin cast the first stone...people need to stop judging an entire population frum the actions of a few...hey heres an idea let women rule the have this thing about thinkin with the wrong are needed onaccounta vibrators cant buy drinks...women rulers...believe me things will be taken care of once a month!!!!! and i think the cities would be cute painted in pastels..
~oh crap~ [2007-02-25 00:51:06] perfktMperfktshn
...i cant generalize the whole populace of men either so nix that last statement...
and vice versa [2007-02-25 06:59:14] posthumous
don't judge me by the actions of my stoopid country!!
instead of an answer. vol#2 [2007-02-25 13:43:15] theofanis
dude; i am talking bout an article that i saw on times (if i recall correctly):

was smth like that:

how can 40+ million people can be that dumb??
(it was a refference to bush's re-election)

u have a president, that leads this globe to an end. (a dead one).

i wish we were more like nordic countries; where people can vote for things that really matter.
not some arrogant guy who abuses his powers with his buddies. (i'm talking bout the refusal of sweden 2 join the euro currency, the refusal of nordic countries 2 participate activly in the war, the fact that they r heard!!!) they can vote. YES OR NO.

this doesn't happen in greece just bkoz we follow the lead of the "brother country" USoA.
i was never asked if i wanted the € > ευÏ?ÏŽ > euro currency nor i knew what was it like, untill i got to hold it.
the maximum papermoney is the 500e. i got to hold that when i got paid.
1 of that and 1 of 100e.
that's the basic (and not average) sallary in greece. 600e is smth less than 200.000 old drachmas.
a bit more than 700$.
i was never asked if i wished to join the EU. none of us was. they just shut them selfs into the parliament and did the counting: "yes it will bring more profit into our pockets bkoz more people will get poorer"

before euro times i'd go for a coffe with 500 drachmas > 1.5e.
now the same thing in the same place costs 5e (min) > 1.700 drachmas.
similar things happened to everyday things. like bread milk etc etc.
they all doubled their value.
but for some sad wicked and weird reason, all of our salaries remained the same +-200.000 then 600e now.
the reason i said that is that just like usa citizens also greek ones r doomed 2 obey and work as slaves for them. so as 2 get them richer while we get poorer.
i think that a bit of closer look into this will proove my words.

i can't possibly dissagree with u. thessaloniki is a great city. with a bit weird accent, very funy people and lots lots lots of hate towards bush and his "doggies"

i think that in the last demonstration against US embassy, more than 80k came with busses from northern greece. (mainly thessaloniki)

btw, u mentioned that u've been to US.
where do u come from?

and another q.
how many people out of all these countries that u have been, u think that their thinking towards USA is concidered to be "friendly"?
and i'm not talking in the diplomatic level. the whole globe is a good neighbourhood. hah.
i'm talking bout the thoughts of ordinary people.

USA has even bigger issues to solve; for those who wonder, go and rent the documentaries of Michael Moore ( )
and some of his documentaries bout the rights of each and every individual USA citizen 2 carry a gun (and shoot each other):D how pathetic is that?
bout hte fact that the twin towers were demolished with explosives and not shattered down from that plane crush... ( it's just not physicly possible) ((prooved))
whyyyy??? :^)

and more and more. it's so miserable the fact that the each one is afraid of every1 who aproaches some1. u will only think of smth bad. (mayb rape u, steal u, stab u etc etc etc.)
each night @ 9, u don't have a news report. u have a terror report.
who shot who? how took who's eye out etc etc. just like in greece.
while in finland things like these don't happen or even if they do, they won't start shouting YAHOO THEY GOT KILLED! WATCH US FIRST! WE HAVE BETTER IMAGES OF THE MASSACRE -.-' they preffer to hide them so as not to terror the population. it's a manner of growth and teaching (filland has the best teaching systme in the world). and culture and many other things that i'm to bored to write now.

i really can't wait to c if u aggre or disssagre with me.

ps. you = USA.

feel free to flame me... xD
i'd love that :)
bkoz i don't think that there's a person that can proove me with facts that usa is whatsoever better than any other country.

peace. (what?!?)
don't make this personal [2007-02-25 13:50:22] theofanis
dear sean.
i write this seperatly bkoz it's irrelevant with the topic.
i just want to tell u. plz don't make it personal.
i have a reason to hate usa.
do u have a reason to hate Canada, Mexico, Japan, Germany, Ireland, England, Denmark, Holland, Belgium, France, Finland, the Czech Republic, Austria, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Spain, Italy and Greece???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
(if u r from usa, don't know where u come from)
i think no,

so try to talk to a greek person from thessaloniki and tell him this: i tottaly aggre with bush's attidute and what a wonderfull country usa has been. or anything like that. xD
we'll c how good u'll feel then.
give me a break.!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and 1 last thing.
cut the personal swearing. even like this. (on topics like this it's easy to get things messed up.)
just focus on the topic.

ps. you = sean.
dear theofanis... [2007-02-25 16:45:09] Sean
i think maybe you've misunderstood me. i don't hate any country, and i don't think the USA is better than other countries. i don't think people anywhere are any smarter or dumber than people anywhere else. if you took a greek baby and an american baby and switched them at birth, the greek baby would grow up like an american, and the american baby would grow up like a greek. nobody is born dumber or smarter, and everyone on earth pretty much believes whatever they're told by their community, whether their community tells them "support the president!" or "america is evil!" or "think for yourself!", and it has always been that way and probably always will be.
how can you have heard mute Europeans make these comments? [2007-02-25 19:02:10] Moz
"Do you honestly think Americans who say it are claiming to be ethnically Irish?" Yes. Why on Earth would you say it otherwise? If you're of Irish descent fine, that doesn't make you Irish though. As much as you may not like it, you are American.

"French... Fries... From... Belgium... cannot reconcile these two facts... Think hard about it. Consult a history book." sorry to say it but its you that needs to pick up a history book, I'll get you started and please, call them chips :)

other from that, yes we are stupid. Pointing out that America is huge is something I do on a regular basis to American chums. I also like to tell Australians that they're country is far far away on the other side of the planet. That is generally more entertaining as you can actually see the homesickness swell on their shivering cheeks (Australia is marginly warmer than the UK for those not in the know. hence shivering cheeks.)

The money thing, just so you know for future reference, is just bloody irritating. We're used to our money being different sizes and colours and we distinguish them in that way. This helps no end when blind stinking drunk at the bar, having accidently opened your wallet up-side-down, then having to scramble around on the floor, declaring ownership of the contents before somebody else does. Here we reach out and grab any fuzzy hazes of purples, greens or oranges that happen to be lucky enough to possess the Queens head. Put simply, we're not used to be made to read out money, we'd prefer not to. It must be a culture thing.

Did like it though, cheers sean. sorry about the dig at the American use of the word 'dumb' but hay, I just find it funny. Cruel, but funny. (Can't talk? must be stupid!). I have heard more stupid things we say about America though. (How many Moons do they have? I'm deadly serious)
blah blah... (don't know what 2 put as subject.) [2007-02-25 21:05:20] theofanis

can u tell me how many ppl within the usa disagree with the whole situation?
even though they have been raised within the same community.

ask the same for uk or france or italy or or or or or or.
any1 with common logic and brain can really c the obvious... ;)

look. i have been feeling the nessecity 2 say all these years ago. i just needed a reason. u know. smth 2 start writing all these things.

how much better this world would b if the planet was without bush...?
just imagine what this would mean...

Moz, from your french fries link: [2007-02-25 22:41:10] Sean
"In those years and until Waterloo in 1815 however, France also encompassed what in 1830 would become Belgium."
community [2007-02-25 23:09:44] Sean
theofanis, the world wouldn't be better off without bush; it would be just as bad. before bush and america were bullying the world, it was imperial england, or imperial france, or spain, or portugal, or even further back, the roman empire. without bush, the world would be exactly the same, because it would just be someone else, possibly somewhere else, doing the same thing, because when there's money to be made, and someone has the ability to make it, they will do it, whether it's today or 300 years ago.

nor is america any worse today than it ever was. during its civil war, abraham lincoln (american hero) suspended habeas corpus, allowing anyone to be arrested and held indefinitely without being charged with a crime. the spanish-american war was pretty much started on a lie. in the 1950s, you could be ruined if someone just accused you of being a communist. so why do people freak out today and say "oh america's in decline!" when it's always been this bad?

i think you are upset about a lot of bad things -- and you should be -- but have trouble identifying the real enemy. unfortunately, i don't know who the real enemy is either. but nothing that you mention is specific to george bush, or america, or 2007. and even if you could fix george bush, or america, or 2007, the same problems would happen again tomorrow, somewhere else, with someone else.

i don't know who the real enemy is, and i don't know the best way to help. but i'm pretty sure that calling other people idiots and being certain that you understand them and their situation is not the way to help.
1 request. and much more thoughts. :) [2007-02-26 12:18:01] theofanis
out of all the things i wrote bout the american (USA) lifestyle, habits, facts am i wrong @?,
can u plz tell me which would u think as correct or false??

one little comparison. clinton did a stupid war also.
he didn't use tho these means as he does to achieve his goals.
(his vice-president didn't own a petrol company >.
sry 4 that xD (1 more request and some more thoughts :D:D:D) [2007-02-26 12:19:47] theofanis
out of all the things i wrote bout the american (USA) lifestyle, habits, facts am i wrong @?,
can u plz tell me which would u think as correct or false??

one little comparison. clinton did a stupid war also.
he didn't use tho these means as he does to achieve his goals.
(his vice-president didn't own a petrol company >. > )
(they say that in love and war, everything is allowed)the things that he does, help in nothing, whatsoever in the war. he just does that war for the oil.
they won't even try to stop the war. they just sent more troops so as to have more casualties.
(this requires guts. lots of. to define the congress and the people of USA)
this is a very wicked way of claiming that in the USA there's democracy.
(should i mention the critisism on the journalists that dare to think of expressing their own personal opinions?)

greece. land of democracy. hah -.- that's even more wicked.
they only think of us, when they want us to vote them :@
happens all round the world. but all the promising started here:
we will, I will, believe in us! etc etc etc etc etc etc xD
and 0 results.

smth that my girl told me recently. a biology teacher from usa was teaching @ her school. i think it was when the great demonstrations where on.
he said that he's ashamed that he comes from usa. on one school he didn't manage 2 teach darwins theory that we come out of apes just bkoz the christian community there forbid him to do so, only bekoz it'd conflict the adam / eve theory. HAHAHAHAHA
it's just a plain example of how they try to manipulate the little kiddos. even before they try to grow an opinion of their own.
(it's a refference to the greek/usa baby exachange)

u know u r right in what u said.
but remember.
nor napoleon or charles or cesar or alexander the great or any other emperor or ruller of this land (globe) ever tried to extinct the globe. (perhaps they didn't have the means to do so.)
but remember:
they come from a land that has thought them many things. it's all a manner of education and growth.

i just want u to know that i really enjoy this conversation.
it's the 1rst time i do it. and i plan to go on doing it :)

rly, after all americans rn't stupid... [2007-04-24 15:49:06] theofanis

that was Annoyingly stupid.
and even more, when you realise that such a dumb nation rullez the world...

ps this post comes for fun... but not the content of it...
Stupid Americans [2007-04-26 23:40:42] MeiMeiCat
I used to work with an Egyptian (yes, I know Egypt in not in Europe) guy who used to mutter under his breath "Stupid Americans" and I kind of thought it was funny.

I am not ashamed of my country, quite the opposite, I am rather proud of it. Don't forget, we were founded by FREE-THINKING rebels who were trying to break from tyranny. Despite what "W" and his lot would have us believe, many of our founding fathers WERE 'men of faith' but that faith was Unitarian and they embrace culture and tolerance of all beliefs. Yes, we are primarily a Christian nation by population, but let us not forget that Christians, like almost any other group, has sub-groups. I consider myself a Christian but I do not hate people of other faiths, nor do I force my faith down anyone else's throat. Nor do I vote for idiots like George W. just because he goes to church.

The reason I always thought Mo's (my Egyptian co-worker) muttering was funny was that he was HERE. In the US. Working, raising his family, gong to Mosque, shopping at the A & P. You know, If I went to Germany or France or most anywhere else and made such comments, I would be the prototypical "Ugly American".

I think American bashing is quite popular right now (and has been for some time) because this is a nation of great resource, both natural and human. I am proud to say that my ancestors were some of the first that came here and fought in the war to liberate us from England. They were learned men and women and, I think, pretty brave. I don't know if I could leave everything I knew, no matter how oppressive, and start over. I know that forging spirit still exists amid the SUVs and DVRs and HDTV and IRAs and any other acronym that reflects the image of American complacency and sheer accumulation of 'stuff'. I still think that despite our softness, we are a nation of great minds and tough spirit.

I understand that to others we seem rude, selfish and spoiled, but never judge the multitude by the few. That would make you no better that an "Ugly American".

Thanks for the original post, It's refreshing! :)
Stop the hate..... [2007-08-01 06:20:56] We bleed just like U
First I would like to say I agree with Sean on EVERYTHING you said. I am an American and by far, not stupid. If Americans were so stupid, then why do we have people from ALL over the world coming to our country to get their education? I cannot help but think that Theofanis was raised in an anti-American family. Raised to dislike us! Theofanis, you are not alone. A lot of people are born to hate Americans. It is a shame that some cultures breed such hate and discontent towards Americans. We are a nation who accepts all walks of life, any race any religion and what ever your political beliefs. It doesn’t matter, we accept it all. I am very proud to say that I am from a country that is so opened minded to all cultures. Freedom is a beautiful thing.

As far as “Global Warming� I am tired of people blaming the USA. Please, like we are the only country who uses gas to fuel our vehicles. Why is it our responsibility and ours alone? I temporarily live in Germany. It is very clean and they do have strict laws about recycling. One thing I don’t understand is that you have to haul off your trash in a vehicle that burns fossil fuel. Doesn’t make sense, but it does to them. I guess they feel that they are doing their part. France, is Paris not the filthiest place you could ever visit? Yes! In the Middle East, they do not have a place for trash, so what do they do? They burn it! They burn it all. Could you imagine what burning rubber tires do to this atmosphere?So with that being said, “Global Warming� is not our responsibility alone and people need to stop pointing the finger.

P.S. Sorry if anyone gets offended! But if Americans are so stupid, then why aren’t we the ones with the color coded money?
French fries [2007-11-13 09:31:54] Bram
I did consult a history book, well, wikipedia, it says french fries are actually originated in belgium, french is from the Irish "french" which means to cut and fries is for the frying of it. This combination is thought of by US soldiers in the Ardenne-offensive. So the stupid name is not our fault, stop blaming us. By the way, here in Holland french fries are smaller than the belgian stuff, both taste great, and you guys should eat mayonaise and satesauce, heavenly

gr Bram
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