By: Frank Shacknasty [2007-03-07]

Erotic Cowboy Bebop Fan Fiction

By someone who's obviously never seen Cowboy Bebop, or even really knows what it is.

"Great work today, C.B.," hummed the mechanical female voice of the ZX-100.

"Yeah." Bebop put his hands around the rubber grips of her handlebars. "I don't think we'll be hearing from the Zorgon Boys for some time now. Ha ha."

"Ha ha," beeped the ZX-100.

"Come on, Dottie. Let's fly." Bebop jumped on her starter, and like fine Swiss clockwork "Dottie" roared to life, kicking up dust and trash into the air. "Man I'm ready to leave this planet."

"You can say that again, C.B." cooed Dottie, as she and Bebop lifted off and and made their way toward the horizon. Man, if you'd been standing there, you could just see them, together, getting smaller and smaller in the distance, Bebop's "If you can read this, the Cylor IV whore stole my awesome leather jacket" t-shirt and long grey tresses trailing behind, until vanishing into the vanishing point.

They left the Jackson system and entered deep space. For a long while, neither said anything. The white specks of distant stars floated by like old newspapers blowing through the Bronx.

"Are you cold, C.B.?" asked Dottie. "I can turn on my seat heater."

"Ah, no, that's OK Dottie..."

With an electric thought, Dottie turned on her seat heater anyway. She knew Bebop would never admit to being cold.

"Thanks, Dottie," said Bebop. "You didn't have to do that. "

"But it's nice," he added.

Dottie revved slightly, emitting a giant cloud of happy black smoke behind them, and her whistle tip roared "whoooooo," like a songbird in flight.

Whistle-Tip [2007-03-07 00:58:14] König Prüße, GfbAEV
My whistle-tip is emitting a giant cloud of happy smoke even as we speak!
~voila~ [2007-03-07 02:21:38] perfktMperfktshn
.... i think ive determined just the correct amount of dope to finally understand the story du jour...(unfortunatley i forget the amount)...maybe its the style in which it was written ..a dick and jane/ mark and janet~ esque content ...mmmm i can still smell the ink stamp on my first grade primer workbook sheet...drug habits begin early
Hah [2007-03-07 05:03:54] zeP
hah. Me rikey.
This [2007-03-07 05:05:19] zeP
place doesn't seem sad and empty now that there are articles a'coming. Bless your black little hearts.
Say! [2007-03-08 03:28:27] König Prüße, GfbAEV
What happened to the guys with the whips and the saddle-sores!?!? I mean, if this is cowboy fiction, where's the actual rawhide!!!???
Wow [2007-03-08 05:09:53] Antwan
This is the best article I've seen in a while. Of course, anything is better than a Zirealism but this was particularly good. Kudos.
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