By: Sean [2007-03-12]

An Open Letter to WBR LeoP

Dear WBR LeoP,

You keep posting spam comments on this website.  While we do officially discourage that here at, I want to alert you to the fact that your spamming technique could use some work.  The URLs in your comments consist of only a few words separated by spaces.  While we do appreciate your specifing the HTTP protocol in "http://Health Care Institute", clicking on this link will not take the reader anywhere.

If Captchas had been reliably cracked, then I believe every spammer on earth would be back in action 'round there parts.  Since you are the only one posting spam comments here these days, I am forced to assume you are a real person, or persons.  Why do you do this?  Where do you get the time?  What do your spam comments even mean?  our grasp of the English language often seems minimal, at most.  All I can figure out is that you seem to be very passionate about the subjects of health care and dental hygiene.

Searching for your name on Google returns several pages of hits, all of them your signature baffling comments, invalid links, and name.  I confess that I do like your name.  WBR LeoP.  It's one of those classy, non-standard format names, like F. Scott Fitzgerald, or George HW Bush.  The "P" in "LeoP" demonstrates a technique of abbreviation with which I'm not familiar, but do plan to incorporate into my own name in the near future.

While I generally do not like spammers, it seems to be that you are the most inept spammer on earth, and have therefore earned a special place in my heart, dethroning the Gouranga guy.  I hope you read this, WBR LeoP, and please do contact me.  I'd love to get in touch and perhaps feature some of your work here on the website.



~spammers and scammers and umm... [2007-03-12 03:55:40] perfktMperfktshn
..hammers ..yeah hammers to bash there stupid skulls in..(or at least crush their fingers so they will have to type with their toes or their nose).i always get scammers ...they always seem to have three first names...they share the same typical 3 or 4 pics and theres always sum plight in africa that they cant cash a money order there...god knows id trust a total stranger to cash one for time a guy messaged me and said his son was just diagnosed with mouth cancer and the money order thing came up ..then the same guy messaged me the next year...and mysteriously his son was JUST diagnosed with mouth cancer..i asked him how that was possible and well he never did respond ... hahahah....they r almost as useless as the kkk...
Another one showed up just overnight.. [2007-03-12 09:34:09] Sean

There's not even a link in this one.
~shwamp deeeemmuuuunnnnnss~ [2007-03-13 06:44:41] perfktMperfktshn
...its like the twilight zone..only its not on tv and dont have sum kick ass theme theme song thats performed by korn...hey maybe thingsihate needs a theme song ..(if u think my grammar's atrocious..u should see my gran~puh)

a boy and his granpa were out fishin on the lake...the grandpa reaches under his seat and pulls out a bottle of jack and takes a swig..the grandson asks his granpa if he can have a drink...granpa asks "well can ur dick touch ur ass?" grandson replies "no"... grandpa says "well then no"...a bit later the grandson pulls out a bag of grandmas homemade cookies and starts to eat one...grandpa asks "can i have one of those cookies?" grandson asks "well can ur dick touch ur ass?" grandpa says yes..grandson says "well then go fuck urself grandpa, grandma made these for me!"
Hmm... LeoP is everywhere [2007-03-31 23:22:04] AleS
Hi, Sean... I think my problem is the same
I have a dental blog-type website:
And WBR LeoP is my frequent visitor :)
I even pity him... he write, I think, manually... and very heartily... :)
In one comment he wrote cry from the heart something like: please help me to promote my site! I nearly cryed... :) I wrote him back, but he didn't answered. He is very strange... as if it not become a legend :)

Incidentally, I've found your open letter through google, looking for WBR LeoP tips... It seems to me that I find something for using his facilities :)

I think it's more than funny.
Good luck for you, Sean, and for all.
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