By: posthumous [2007-05-13]


yer Sunday comix

Why [2007-05-13 12:34:29] Wyatt
yes. Yes I am.
IT'S A SIGN [2007-05-13 14:19:18] Wyatt
that the editors are desperate for material.

I mean, I know it's Sunday and all, and we're supposed to earn forgiveness for our sins by suffering through Zirealism, and I bet no one has submitted anything lately (at least, I know I've not produced anything worth two steaming piles of Hail Mary at any time in recent memory) except for hallucinatory dream sequences and just god-awful cartoons, but please
(gets down on knees)
(puts hands together for the first time in his long atheistic life)
(bows head)
please give us something else besides Zirealism before I'm forced to commit a mortal sin and off myself.

A mass of clarity. [2007-05-13 22:29:41] Antwan.
A mass of clarity. [2007-05-13 22:32:04] Antwan.
We're supposed to earn forgiveness for our sins by suffering through Zirealism. Well said. The question is: What could we have possibly done that was this bad?
ask the rabbit [2007-05-14 12:56:02] posthumous
ask the rabbit
~jesus christ~ [2007-05-15 09:25:47] perfktMperfktshn
..even im not amused anymore....wyatt ur contradicting comment ur claiming to be god and the next ur prayin to sumpin u dont believe in ..anyway..nobodys gonna believe nuttin u say anymore if u keep that shit up...
~another moment of couch~ [2007-05-15 10:55:42] perfktMperfktshn
...could be another one of them issues with women....frum the perspective of the drawing and the position of the hands it looks like hes reachin up to sum larger than life womans breasts and asking if she's god coz boobies rule his head his heart and his head...andif thats where his hands r looks like his head is in the right place...i think religion is based on women seems thats the biggest part of it ..its all about da poosey....
Aha! There you are! [2007-05-16 18:05:57] KP
Now to go back and read what has occurred in my leave.--KP
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