By: Crashpod [2002-11-18]

Sperm Soccer

Sorry if this is gross. We were teenagers at the time and very bored, so I think that's a good excuse.

We were just hanging out at video store, and I was explaining to Jimmy Carter (names changed to protect people) that when I try to impress people at parties by talking about Neil Young I always get him confused with Ted Nugent and end up looking like a jackass. Jimmy wasn't paying attention to me and that's when he noticed her picture. I'm not sure if it's practiced in larger cities, but in small towns the businesses have this arrangement where you agree to sponsor the local high school sports team and they'll give you a picture of one of the players to post in your business. (Because after all, charity is when you do something for somebody else while other people are watching.) I think the 4H has a sort of similar deal with raising animals, although I could never figure out if the company was sponsoring the 4H'ers or if they were just buying and slaughtering the animals.

So there she was, all smiles and soccer outfit. In our high school, the football team lost. And plus it was made up of a bunch of creepy looking hicks that looked like something out of The Hills Have Eyes. Plus they lost. Couple that with cheerleaders that were mostly dumpy and hyper-Christian. But we had a winning soccer team made up of attractive, popular rich kids, so the usual jock-asshole positions in our school were filled by the soccer team.

We started asking about the girl, and it seemed that the general consensus was that she was a total poo portal. I think it was then that I started joking to Jimmy about taking the photo into the bathroom and ejaculating on it -- sort of a voodoo screw you thing, the sort of thing you don't really do unless you're Jimmy Carter, the only non-Christian straight-edge kid I ever met, and certainly the only straight-edger I ever met who's sold porn to school kids. Seriously, I mean one time he tried to get us all to bribe him to pee his pants. Later, while playing drums for the now defunct Colostomy Kitty, he did piss himself. I still don't know why, but he didn't even stop drumming. He's answered the door wearing nothing but semen-stained shorts, challenged strangers to push up contests, challenged people to jerk off contests, embezzled a great deal of money while working at a grocery store spending over 300 dollars of that money on scratch-off tickets and taken a bath in baby oil. He was one of the members of the Bobby Douglas Experience (more about that some other time) and he once broke into a warehouse, stole a bunch of shampoo, and then dumped it into the town fountain. Personally, to me, he's like a folk hero, but even I didn't think he'd steal the picture.

Cut forward about two months when I'm over at Jimmy's house to see a collage he's made of the members of his band using cut out penises from his porn collection. And then, he pulls out the picture ? semen stains and all, which is pretty disturbing because none of my friends ever showed me their semen on purpose.

Unfortunately we never got the picture put back up up because FDR, one of the owners of the video store and a good friend, got wind of the plot and noticed the picture missing. The kicker is that even though the picture never again graced the wall of the video store, it was still a pretty good prank because it turns out the pictures are returned at the end of the year. So a little warm sponge-on-spooge action and the picture looked as good as new.
Those weeks without sundays really get me. [2002-11-18 01:22:30] nameless
Its true posthumus has sold out and right now is sunning himself on a tropical island, laughing at how he managed to syndicate a bunch of doodles he found in an old school book to the new york times just by adding inane non sequitur's.
Spooge Sponger [2002-11-18 05:25:24] Abercrombie N. Fitch
I'm glad that's not my job!
a week without Zirealism?? a fish without a bicycle??? [2002-11-18 07:09:55] posthumous
I am very sorry! I moved last week and I was completely offline over the weekend. Don't you worry, I still have doodles and inane non sequiturs aplenty!
New Yorker [2002-11-18 15:20:02] aspcp
For doodles coupled with inane non-sequiturs, I prefer the New Yorker to the New York Times. Among doodles coupled with inane non-sequiturs, I prefer posthumous to all others. You know, "hopefully" really can be used in its normal way. "With hope" was its original meaning, but language evolves. Just think of "hopefully" as a word that originally had one personality, then was overcome catastrophically by another, then changed its name altogether and continued with the new personality. I didn't completely understand the last part of this story. The posters had to be returned at the end of the year? Still, they couldn't have returned that one, because they didn't know where it was. Oh, I think I get it. The video store will get in trouble with the school because the poster was lost. You know, a "prank" without a victim is really just a "stupid thing I did". Luckily, doing stupid, destructive things for no apparent reason is the very essence of ROCK AND ROLL!! baby.
also: [2002-11-18 15:22:28] aspcp
Kevin Smith? Come on, now.
Mandarin&Cantonese [2002-11-18 15:40:00] Abercrombie N. Fitch
The street patois in Mexico is evolving into something like Portugee. Hopefully, I don't use "ain't" nor "y'all" hardly at all, but sometimes "youse guys." I put punctuation inside quotes if that where it happens to fall. There's a Committee to Preserve the Spanish Language, and although Valesquez lists 228 verb forms, nobody in their right mind would use 228 verb forms; so you get something like the difference between Mandarin and Cantonese Chinese. In Oregon, there were about 60 different Indian tribal groups, and there was a project to record, collect, and preserve vanishing dialects. Some usages I can't use, like "And I'm like sitting in this bar." I was not similar to sitting in an effing bar; I was actually in fact sitting in a bar. I'm not like drinking some single malt; I am actually doing it. Hopefully, you get my drift. I don't give two farts what the Language Committee thinks of usages or neologisms. I'm like sort of similar to telling you what I think because I want to distance myself from actually doing so, you know what I'm talking about? Good! Because I don't have a fucking clue.
he's the albino guy [2002-11-18 20:12:47] casey
michael berryman, a d-list celebrity who is in "the hills have eyes" is my half-uncle's brother.
Hull House [2002-11-18 21:17:49] J. Trevor Smythe
I think that I'm related to James and Lucius Hull, famed for the "Hull House," home of the Devil Baby
[2002-11-19 00:51:42] Jonas Knoxville
This title was completely misleading.
Casey [2002-11-19 00:57:45] Jonas
You could've saved yourself and pretended it was the pun on faggy/fagged, but you didn't. Fag.
Leonid Meteor Shower [2002-11-19 03:48:59] Abercrombie N. Fitch
Wow! I couldn't see any of the 1767 part of it at 10:30PM because of the full moon and moisture in the upper atmosphere, but the 1866 part was really cookin' between 5:40 and 6:10AM this morning! I had to quit because the Sun was coming up, and all the stars were disappearing. A lot of the meteors were going South to North and into the Leo constellation just to the right of the North Star and the big dipper, but they were going in all directions, too. Some were faster than others, and some were brighter. They sort of came in groups, too. Some left trails. On topic because it has to do with the Milky Whey.

I got to make all of the wishes that I could think of, and then
just went dumb and watched them.
I went out and looked... [2002-11-19 10:42:30] jana
... but all I saw was an airplane. Stupid city lights.

Also, I liked the story. For some reason it reminded me a party I went to in hight school. It was awful and I wanted to leave, but my friend had locked himself in the bathroom with a stack of playboys and wouldn't come out.
Polaroids [2002-11-19 11:10:50] Abercrombie N. Fitch
I also saw the International Space Station go over during the meteor shower; I was worried that it would get a hole in it! I wonder what the meteor shower looked like looking down on it? There were girls in my high school who let guys take Polaroid photos of them, either just nude or doing stuff. That's weird that a guy locked himself in the bathroom with playboys and wouldn't come out, you'd think that eventually he'd get tired or hungry or something. I would have gotten a chick to talk dirty to him through the door; that would have gotten him to open up. Or maybe not...but I'm assuming that he was a het, to do something like that.
[2002-11-20 00:22:49] nameless
You assume he was doing things like wacking off to the playboy magazines in there, maybe he was creating a contemporary collage that portrays the cheapening of the human body, and the erosion of the boundarys between acceptable behaviour and uhh not acceptable behaviour using titties.
pervert [2003-09-19 04:19:00] betty bombom
Jimmy sounds like a right class act!!!
cool story ya sick D**ks!!!
see ya xxxxxxxx
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