By: Dean Clinker [2002-12-19]

The Field Trip

The bus filled with eager elementary school pupils arrived slightly behind schedule, a little after nine in the morning. The children were bouncing in their seats impatiently, some shouting obscenities out the bus window, others singing chaotically in the background. Mr. Grimly knew it was going to be a trying day.

"Welcome, everyone!" he shouted awkwardly. "Welcome to Metro Public Works, Division 415!"

Mr. Grimly smiled and exchanged pleasantries with the trip supervisors, a man and a woman, as the children avalanched out of the bus and onto the freshly trimmed lawn in front of the Division 415 office building. The lawn was only a few meters wide and not much longer, far too small to provide any relief from the monotony of the steel and glass surroundings, but it was extremely well cared for nevertheless.

"My name is Mr. Grimly and I will be your host today!" Mr. Grimly
continued, grinning and politely struggling to overcome the waves of noise coming from the heap of restless flesh sprawled on the lawn.

"Please, follow me to the building lobby, where we shall commence this tour" he said to the supervisors, and briskly strutted into the towering building.

The trip supervisors turned to the youth pile and called for it to proceed inside. "Ladies and gentlemen, let the tour begin!" the woman ceremoniously exclaimed, and walked inside the building, followed by her colleague. A few moments later, some of the more hyperactive children ran through the door and into the building, and were followed a few moments later by some more pupils who stumbled inside slightly less enthusiastically. Many stayed on the lawn, laughing and poking at each other, and others ran off into the street in various directions. The largest group, made up of about a dozen pupils, ran screaming into the subway system, led by a particularly loud classmate who was bleeding from the nose.

Inside the grand foyer, Mr. Grimly stood smiling, and waited for a pause in the screams and yelps and growls and squeaks and whoops and shrieks that the children were making to proceed with the introduction to the tour. The tour supervisors stood in front, facing him, and were looking around and up at the spectacular canopy covering the lobby. After about a minute, Mr. Grimly gave up waiting for respite in the auditory onslaught and began his presentation, audible only to the two supervisors.

"Division 415 is one of the older Public Works offices in the Sprawlsville Metropolitan Area. It was established over forty years ago at this very location, though the building that stood here has since been demolished to make way for this, perhaps the most impressive Public Works office building in the neighbourhood!" At this, the supervisors looked at each other and composed impressed grimaces. Behind them, a handful of children stormed into an elevator and disappeared behind its closing doors.

"The building contains over seven and a half thousand offices, distributed across eighty-two floors, along with cafeterias, shopping areas, and recreational facilities. Every day, nearly eighteen thousand people come to work at Division 415," Mr. Grimly announced proudly, to the supervisors' awe.

"Division 415 is single-handedly responsible for the maintenance and
coordination of all municipal property and services in the two-block radius, covering a population of close to three hundred thousand people. The services include waterworks, electricity, population control and waste collection, as well as law enforcement and child care, as many of you must already be aware." The supervisors giggled, and one of the children screamed a scream reminiscent of a failing jet engine, which blasted into oblivion all the previously unbearable noise. Mr. Grimly had to raise his voice slightly at this point, in order to maintain some level of audibility to the supervisors, who already had to lean uncomfortably close to him in order to hear the presentation.

"The services are too many to list here, but rest assured, were it not for Division 415, the peace and comfort of the people in this fair neighbourhood would be impossible to sustain for more than a minute!" He smiled, and pointed to a large and brightly lit hallway to his right. "Let us proceed to our second stop on the tour, the Reception Desk!" The supervisors turned to the children, who were significantly fewer by this point, and clustered into groups. The woman supervisor smiled. "Let us continue this fascinating tour at the Reception Desk. Follow me, ladies and gentlemen!" The supervisors proceeded to follow Mr. Grimly as a group of children ran past them and down the long hallway. One child slipped and fell flat on the floor, immediately
emitting a high-pitched scream and provoking hysterical laughter from the others.

Mr. Grimly explained to the supervisors that the walls of the lobby and the hallway were made entirely of actual Italian marble, a luxury which was afforded in the time of a massive city-run pyramid scheme which had also provided the city with its impressive public transportation system two decades previously.

As they walked by the fallen child, the little boy stopped his sobbing and grabbed hold of Mr. Grimly's leg, sinking his teeth in just above Mr. Grimly's ankle. Mr. Grimly screamed and started kicking furiously at the boy, causing him to bite down even harder and a muffled shriek to explode into Mr. Grimly's leg, which was by this point bleeding profusely.

"What appalling behaviour!" protested the woman supervisor. "This is no way to act at an official reception, shame on both of you!"

A few other boys ran back up the hallway and charged Mr. Grimly. Some
started ripping at his legs and his belly, some mounted his back and pulled on his hair, and others bit and poked at his sides. Mr. Grimly's screams of terror were beginning to match those of the rabid pupils as he collapsed under the weight of the climbers and fell on the floor, in a pool of his and the fallen boy's blood.

"Oh, now this is just obscene," complained the male supervisor, and turned his head to avoid the gruesome sight, crossing his arms in protest. "Absurd!" added the female supervisor.

Mr. Grimly's wails subsided as his trachea was severed by one of the biters. Blood was everywhere, and the boys started running off in different directions, sputtering blood and laughing.

The female supervisor was livid. "They'll never invite us to Division 415 again!"

"You can be sure of that!" was her male colleague's retort.
[2002-12-19 00:40:57] nameless
Well what do you expect from todays standards where just to look sideways at a child your done for abuse then sacked, beatenchased by a mob out of your house and everything you love and hold dear is burnt to ashes, in the end you live in the woods eating fungi off the barks of tree's and hunting small woodland game.

I think the reason this happens is because children are the new expanding demographic of choice, small and feeble they can easily be intimidated by force, coerced by adverts, shallow and stupid you can make them do anything, the adults are just there to serve as tools to get the children money, spend the money for the children and drive them around to get the things children want to spend money on.

I think children are a serious threat to our society and so like all responsible societys do, we should kill them all and make it illegal to be in possession of them, either that or make them sweep chimneys again.
ps [2002-12-19 00:42:08] nameless
Nice story.
forget furries... i want to be a polyjuvenocannibophagian [2002-12-19 02:15:46]
ohhhhhh man that story is SO hot. is there a website where i could view drawings which show such scenes, and discuss my erotic interest in watching adults being eaten by a mob of feral children?
[2002-12-19 05:04:12] nameless
You should just watch barberella over and over a few times, does the trick for me, otherwise . This is the internet when we said it has content based on every sick and wierd fetish out there we meant it.
Still the good thing is we'll get some great referers out of this.
Sprawlsville! [2002-12-19 06:03:56] Hieronymous Biscuit
They should have fed Mr. Keeney to the tykes. Sprawlsville seems like a strange dystopia where overpopulation has made an early end a certainty yet still unpredictable so as to be acceptable. So, far Sprawlsville seems sterile and sanitized, but I feel that there must be an underground of sex and drugs, unless deviancy has also been co-opted by management. There should be a "Sprawlsville" version of SimCity. I could imagine that there would be body chutes along the hi-rise hallways to save the trouble of taking bodies down to the ground floor, just put them in the chute. What's left after they get gnawed.
SimCity [2002-12-19 12:32:45] Elephant's Gerald
Hey! Alptraum already said that about a Sprawlsville SimCity
[2002-12-19 15:25:35] Doc Mahem
That was fucking fantastic. Big ups.
[2002-12-19 16:20:38] Jonas
Hahaha, heeheehee, hohoho. What was the other Sprawsville story? Somebody find it for me, I'm very lazy.
Other one [2002-12-19 17:07:16] Hieronymous Biscuit
Mr. Keeney's Afternoon
this is familiar. [2002-12-19 17:24:26] Laura
Sounds like a normal day at the camp I work at. Oh, yeah, and home.
Shameless but obscure reference to J.T.H.M [2002-12-19 18:44:36] twins
What the hell kind of satanic devil children were these!?!?! I thought they might turn out to be half human half animal amalgams or somesuch. I kept waiting for the twist, but that was how they were....
From my earlier interpretations of Sprawlsville, I hardly expected this.
These kids need discipline, and deserve all they get for being so undisciplined, and the adults should be disciplined for not disciplining them.
Discipline--It's an art, and an art worth you're learning.
Discipline--Severe bladder damage builds character.
Severe Bladder Damage [2002-12-19 19:26:16] Hieronymous Biscuit
I smite the with a bladder!
John Dollar [2002-12-19 21:24:05] Hieronymous Biscuit
I went back and read some reviews of "John Dollar," by Marianne Wiggins; it variously gets 4 out of 5 stars, or 3 out of 5 stars, or 3 plums and a banana depending upon the reviewer. It is said by one reviewer to be "Lord of the Flies" with girls instead of boys. I enjoyed reading it, and if you like tales of human nature in extreme situations, you might, too.
[2002-12-20 01:22:37] nameless
Lord of the flys with girls! Wow that just explodes in my imagination into an entirely full formed feature length episodic television film.

Rachel is clearly the lead character who first meets petunia a fat greasy girl with brains and thick glasses squatting behind a tree trunk, Petunia finds a conch, rachel blows it, then the cheer leaders turn up with Elizabeth as their leader, and then the shit really hits the fan.

Oh man its a half porn, half dark story of human nature run ram-pant!
the internet is a place of justice and dignity after all [2002-12-20 01:50:11] albtraum
"Elephant's Gerald - Hey! Alptraum already said that about a Sprawlsville SimCity"

hey yeah i did... thanks dude (or dudette)!!!
oh and nameless [2002-12-20 01:52:11] albtraum
wherever the hyphenation in "run ram-pant" came from, i like it. it combines mental images of running rampant with images of ramming and pants in an entirely new way.
Half&Half [2002-12-20 09:55:15] König Prüß, GfbAEV
Some half porn-half dork stories would be good.
Half porn-half dork [2002-12-20 16:58:06] Jonas
That would be a whale of a--oh nevermind.
Schoolbuses and children [2002-12-20 20:24:06] Margot Glass
When beginning to read this, I thought it was going to be a story about a schoolbus. I've been sitting on a short film idea for some time now starting off like that. It ends in the children suffocating to death on the bus, in the process clawing at the windows and vomiting in the aisles.

Honestly, it wouldn't be a shock piece; one would want to use small children for that and I want it to be about high school students. I think it would just be an interesting image.
School Bus [2002-12-20 21:13:43] Hieronymous Biscuit
There was a story called, "The Bell Jar" I think that was it, about a young couple who went butterfly collecting, and they made love in a small car and broke a jar full of some chemical that the guy used to put the butterflies to sleep. But the school bus story might be good, and it would make a good movie. There's a sort of funny ShockWave/Flash about a School Bus turn up your sound a bit!
[2002-12-21 14:10:56] nameless
I once saw a short film, twas in some foreign language perhaps spanish.

Basically it starts off with this guy and his son, and he might have dropped his son off at school or something, but whatever happens he gets into this phone box.
Once in the phone box the door becomes jammed and he can't get out, so he calls to people to help him get out, he does all sorts of things, until finally he calls the phone company to get him out.
So along comes this lorry, lifts the entire box onto the back and takes it away to this warehouse.
Inside are stacked rows and rows of telephone boxes with occu-pants stuck inside them in various states of decay.

Did you know the architect that designed the architypical british telephone box (the red ones) actually based the design on a tomb.

By the way if that was actually a dream and not a short film, I bagsy the rights.
Half-Porn Half-Dork? [2002-12-21 14:13:02] nameless
Sounds like its been done to death already, or maybe I should cut down on my Glamour Fiction intake.

Fap Fap Fap.
[2002-12-21 19:37:35] twins
Run Ramp-pant.....makes me think of panting rams, running.
nameless [2002-12-21 20:09:45] Jonas
Maybe that new Colin Farrel movie is an American remake of your foreign movie! The Recruit, Daredevil... I don't remember.
The Whole Pant Thing [2002-12-21 21:58:42] Hieronymous Biscuit
What's up with pants, anyway? One hears of "a pair of pants." Then, variously, one hears of a men's pant. So, the inference here is that it is possible to buy one single pant, or a pair of pants. I suppose that in days of yore, it was the men's legging which could be worn two at a time for the pair of pants effect, but I have never during my extensive career in the wholesale haberdasher manufacture and supply business ever heard of any sizeable demand for a pant, not even among the Long John Silver crew. Stores such as "The Gentleman's Jodhpur" advertise a quality pant, but yet when I go there, it is the standard two-legged variety of a pair of pants. According to "The Gentleman''s Jodhpur," a pair of pants ought to by rights have four legs. I suppose that I should ask for the leggings sort of pants with a codpiece. Take your pant and ram it, hyphen included at no extra cost.
[2002-12-23 00:43:50] nameless
I think its a whole american abuse of the english language thing.

In english pants is used as a shortening of underpants, Americans will try and tell you their pants come from pantaloons, but we all know that they changed their version of english as a kind of ultimate fuck you after the war of in-de-pen-dance to the english.

Either way I can't figure out how a pair of actually runs with pants, trousers, pantaloons, or underpants.

If I find good set of clothing I generally buy at least two, so technically I guess I have a pair of trousers. Its what happens when you only shop for clothes every 3 years.
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