By: posthumous [2003-06-22]


yer Sunday comix

bear urine
[2003-06-22 00:05:00] zhivago
mmm, i get it. It's symbolic, isn't it?
wait. on second perusal, it's not symbolic.

In conclusion, it's a pic of a guy who's being rained on. Poor him. He looks like his name is "Walter"
Looks like... [2003-06-22 00:11:00] Hieronymous Biscuit
...sort of the opposite of a golden parachute.
My hat, my shirt, my pants, go off to you, posthumous [2003-06-22 02:21:00] jonas
This is the single greatest Zirealism I have ever seen. I was going to make a shirt of "Christ, you're all so stupid", but this demands t-shirtification. It is also boob-friendly, for girl t-shirts.
What I love [2003-06-22 06:49:00] laconic
Is how the rain on the sides falls in showing that not just the rain, but also the wind hates him. It also seems to be vaugely in the shape of a heart...or am I seeing things?
[2003-06-22 07:00:00] Dedas
Why does it always rain on me...
religion [2003-06-22 09:29:00] kellie
if god is jesus and jesus is god, how is jesus gods son?
Hmmm... [2003-06-22 09:52:00] Hieronymous Biscuit
trailer park eugenics?
Am I dating myself here? [2003-06-22 13:27:00] Morticia~
...or does anyone remember that lil comics guy Joe #^$*@@)_$(_##)&#@.
He was a gloomy gus who ALWAYS had a dark cloud over him pissing on his parade. I feel like Joe Whatever my own self much of the time, so that could be an analogy of my life.
Lightning Bolts [2003-06-22 13:35:00] Hieronymous Biscuit
I think that my cloud would have lightning bolts, too.
Dating Yourself [2003-06-22 14:23:00] Hieronymous Biscuit
Let me know how that works out, I might try it.
Dating myself [2003-06-22 14:28:00] Morticia~ out fine (smart ass =^) because I use my left hand whilst masturbating.
Both Hands [2003-06-22 16:11:00] Hieronymous Biscuit
I use both hands and still got left over.
nothing wrong [2003-06-22 17:33:00] Morticia~
..with leftovers.
Meatloaf comes to mind.

The foodstuff not the singer.
Like tthe line from the song-- [2003-06-22 18:46:00] Hieronymous Biscuit
"You might be a foodstuff but you ain't no singer"
Maybe it was-- [2003-06-22 18:48:00] Hieronymous Biscuit
"You might be a lover but you ain't no dancer" but it amounts to about the same thing, I guess.
Anyway [2003-06-22 19:06:00] Hieronymous Biscuit
I would wager that that sort of rain would require a special sort of brolly.
t-shirt [2003-06-22 19:14:00] posthumous
well if you do make a t-shirt, send me a picture!

and if you sell some t-shirts, send me 10% of gross!
[2003-06-22 19:46:00] minna
for a moment i thought he had brocoli coming out of his head. maybe it implies that vegtables are people too
Kellie, and the rest [2003-06-22 20:58:00] Andrewsarchus
See, it's a moot point anyway because "Jesus" is based off so many other folk tales, myths, and legends. Also: everyone should watch Sirens and read George Takei's autobiography.

Man, before I became heavily medicated, I looked like poor "Walter."
A great way to get people annoyed is to say their name as if it is in quotes. Walter has nicely pressed pants.

Maybe he's a Raingod, and dosen't know it.
You know . . . [2003-06-22 20:59:00] Andrewsarchus
I have wrist trouble (I wear a brace sometimes.) I learned to be quite ambidextrous in certain sitye-aishons
Clouds [2003-06-22 21:02:00] Andrewsarchus
The cloud (or multiples thereof) look like an ant. Some sort of gaseous space ant shooting the man.

With what? I don't know. Now I have Monty Python's ant sketch in my head.
Perhapes [2003-06-22 21:28:00] laconic
We're looking at this from the wrong side of the water cycle. Our Walter isn't getting rained on, he's evaporating. Doesn't he look small to anyone else? Well now we know why.
Maybe [2003-06-22 21:46:00] Hieronymous Biscuit
It's the little man in the boat!
evaporating? [2003-06-22 21:51:00] posthumous
pressed pants? broccoli? hearts and parachutes...

dang, I hate(love) when the comments transcend the comic.

oh, I left out the gaseous space ant... well, that's ok.
[2003-06-22 22:44:00] twins
Why do I always strain to pee? Is it because I lied when I was seventeen?
Jonas: Eve likes Harry Potter.
heeeheeee [2003-06-23 08:57:00] blahblah
fucking fabulous. without the title it's shit.
yes [2003-06-23 11:35:00] posthumous
exactly. that's why I always put that title on it.
Bear Urine? [2003-06-23 12:16:00] Hieronymous Biscuit
Now it makes much more sense.
[2003-06-23 13:37:00] Sir Andos El Pantos
thats fucking awesome, a 10 out of 10 to you good sir
Drat that Harry Potter [2003-06-23 19:40:00] jonas
"A mother's love", whatever. If Voldemort had any sense, the only way Harry could hope to be saved by Lily would be by keeping her bullet-ridden carcass between himself and Voldemort's gat. Maybe them Muggles have got something after all. Someone check out Order of the Phoenix for me, I hear Ron chases Draco out behind the school with a fucking Quidditch bat, and then beats him almost to death.
Rejected Harry Potter Titles [2003-06-23 23:18:00] Hieronymous Biscuit
Harry Potter Titles
Harry Potter and . . . [2003-06-24 00:09:00] Andrewsarchus
Harry Potter and the Socks of Perdition
Harry Potter and the Buckets of Infinity
Harry Potter and Hermione's Dirty Underwear
Harry Potter and the Really Creepy Professor that asks Students to
stay after Class
Harry Potter and the Fury Cobbler
Harry Potter and the Sorcerers (Playing this Friday at O'Rorey's Pub,
one pint min. 8 pm)
Harry Potter and the Running Gag
Harry Potter and this is getting repetitive
Harry Potter and I'm going to stop

'arry podder... [2003-06-25 13:10:00] jane
I just finished Order of the Phoenix yesterday. It's great, but the Goblet of Fire was better. They don't beat him to death, but they do get in a fight after a Quidditch match. If you've read the others, you must read this one. Big stuff happens.

And Rowling's teaser about "a major character dies" is the best teaser ever, because there are a lot of close calls in the book.

Yeah, I'm a loser. It's okay.
i hate [2003-06-25 21:41:00] wayne
greetings assholes,
I hate jesus god and everyone that bothers considering the existence of such a sinister cocksucker from some sordid faerie tale. fuck you! fuck god! fuck jesus! and all variations therof.
I would like to say also that the picture is cute.
Harry Potter is a crock of shit.
jesus cocksucker christ [2003-08-07 12:33:00]
jesus cocksucker christ and his whore mother really piss me off, to think that some jackassed bastard gives a shit about the rest of humanity! I hope there is a god so I can personally tell him how much he can go fuck himself. Murder? Rape? Child Molestation?...Yeah God it looks like you really have your shit together...oh the way...FUCK YOU! shithead..hahahaha!
fuck god [2003-09-11 11:39:00] ali
the belief in god is no more than a horrible viruse inflicted upon mankind. i think it is sad when i see parents brain washing their kids about god. god this, god that, fuck god. i wish i could kill every one that thinks that shit is real. the only way to take out this virus is to kill the host. these people are so goddamn stupid we would be better off with out them. so please kill every one you can, i am the real god i will forgive you
I hate just about everything. [2003-09-20 16:40:00] Evil Dave
I hate God, I hate Satan, I hate athiests and the "spiritually aware" and I want everyone to die. Just die. Right now. Go buy a gun and shoot yourself.

I hate America, I hate the rest of the world too. I hate life and I hate death. I hate it all.

White people suck, black people eat shit, red and yellow and all in betweens can drink a gallon of sweat from my unwashed testes. Die. All of you. Die. Now.
chubby bitches [2003-10-11 23:46:00] Tha daddy
I hate fuckin fat people and stupid chubby bitches that wear shit they shouldnt. Fuck Jesus and Fuck his fat mom, God can kiss my shitty ass.
I Hate athiests [2004-03-24 19:42:00] Klan Man
all athiests should die if they dont believe in god then they dont deserve to live in the us
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