By: Sean [1999-11-19]

I Hate Bestiality Pornography

painful memories that could only be removed from my brain with an icepick

Yeah, I've looked at it. No, I'm not a pervert, I just have a... morbid curiosity. It's true. When driving past a car wreck on the highway, I'm one of those people who'll piss you off by slowing down in front of you in hopes of seeing a couple feet of intestines wrapped around the steering wheel. Is it any surprise, then, when I've got a high speed connection to the world's largest network right into my home, capable of bringing me everything from stock market quotes to erotic Johnny Quest fan-fiction, that I should descend to the seamy underbelly of the Internet in search of what hidden treasures it may hold? Well, let me tell you, pictures of people having sex with animals wasn't quite the pot of gold I expected it to be.

Put simply, it freaks me the hell out. It's not the phony, wavering smiles of the human actors involved, or even the occasional visible tear welling up in their eyes. It's not the fact that there's a market for animal pornography. The thing that really disturbs me is the fact that, from what I've seen, the animals all seem to enjoy it.

This... is not right. Animals are pure. They're our happy little friends. They don't think about sex, and goddam it, if we have to, we spay or neuter them to ensure this. When I'm on the couch watching TV and catch Sparky looking at me, I'm not sure what he's thinking, but I'm damn sure he's not wishing I'd climb over there and give him a hand job. I am not OK with the concept of people gratifying animals. It's wrong. It's bad.

I know this sounds terrible, but bestiality would be so much easier for me to handle it if were more along the lines of people molesting animals. I can sit through a thousand Scottish jokes involving sheep and not bat an eyelid, mainly because in every joke, my imagination puts a comically shocked and disturbed expression on the face of the sheep. The sheep certainly doesn't turn around to return the favor.

But that's not all. In a way, I hate that I hate this. Think of homosexuals. Unless you're some sort of backwoods redneck, we're all pretty sure that if two men or women want to "do it," it's not going to hurt anything. Go for it. But, on that same token, if someone wants to slink out to the barn after dark and give Trigger oral pleasure, and Trigger obviously enjoys it... where's the problem? Is it hurting anything? Am I no better than some group of homophobic hicks? (Don't even think about drawing some parallel between my situation and the "homophobes are insecure in their masculinity" theory in the comments section.)

Well, goddam it, if that's where I fall, hand me my bible and toss me a derogatory term to use in reference to zoophiles, 'cause it still creeps me out like nothing else. In my days on the Internet, I've pretty much seen it all: Under age, significantly under age, even copraphelia; but God help me, nothing compares to this. The terrible terrible curiosity that I've been cursed with has probably ruined my ability to ever own a dog as long as I live. It's developed into what might be called a borderline-paranoia. Walks in the park, nostalgic horse-drawn taxis, driving by pastures, these things must all be cut from my life. I can't bear the thought of dogs and horses sizing me up, craving the sweet sweet secrets of my body, treating me like a hunk of meat. All these years, I thought he brought the ball back because he liked playing fetch. What a fool I was.
amianals [2000-10-09 23:07:50] amianals
Well yea i guess it is wrong and all. but by christ it is funny. personally i feel thins is the sort of thing every one should see before they die. god bless america. I love it a contry where when somethings aganst the law we can still see many many real life pictures of it on the internet. in closing i would just like to say that seeing pictures of murdered people and animals fucking people is what makes this country great. a country where pictures words and movies are more moving and impacting than anything we might see or do in real life. GOD BLESS
Bestiality, the word [2000-10-09 23:16:04] Justin Mandell
The word "bestiality" in itself, simply means "of or relating to animals." There is nothing about sex in the word "bestiality," just as the word "sexuality" does not imply animals.

I HATE IT when people use the term "bestiality" to imply "bestial sexuality" or "sexual bestiality." It simply isn't fair to Webster, and it certainly isn't fair to the animals.

I'll bet there are sheep and horses and dogs all over this planet that
don't like to fuck humans. In fact, I am one.
fuck you [2002-03-10 10:10:31] crap
ur fucking dick aint ya its only a fuckin horse with its dick showing get over it div head
Animal sex [2002-04-05 21:05:44] Joe
people who screew animals rape them and take advantege of them that is sick you are sick....pervert
bestiality [2002-05-10 07:52:47] robert a calderon
me and my girlfriend enjoy bestiality especially when i fuck her large pig she enjoys watching an masturbating hersself into a frenzy
Iramithard [2002-05-20 14:43:06] Jeffreywalters
I am a young EMT driver in Dallas, Texas...I am into it very much..
My nickname is (_._)...Iramithard...(_o_)..
Iramithard [2002-05-20 14:43:59] Jeffreywalters
I am a young EMT driver in Dallas, Texas...I am into it very much..
My nickname is (_._)...Iramithard...(_o_)..
animal humping [2002-08-07 04:36:15] Animal hummper
"people who screew animals rape them" yea ok but what if your dog comes and humps your leg?what if you ben over to pick something up and the dog starts humping you?????
My big germansheperd [2002-08-07 04:40:18] Animal hummper
I am a Girl and I love haveing my dog hump me, all I do is bend over, I dont force the dog to do anything. He gets on me and dos it himself...and I love it, it looks like my dog likes it coz he is doing it,so whats the problem???
[2002-09-06 18:09:34]
to the gurl and the shepard she likes fucking .i think u R.O.C.K
u are such a bitch
I like.....I hate...... [2002-09-08 11:59:48] Greasy Grub
I like:
Fucking Animals
I hate:
Slutty Girls
I like.....I hate...... [2002-09-08 12:00:03] Greasy Grub
I l
I lhandu la mecal rune. Sjehch la minducarad [2002-09-08 12:01:08] Greasy Grub
I like to watch animals. They're so cool.
Taking the Knot [2002-09-21 12:43:20] bimikeandfatmary
My wife is a big girl and needs realy big cocks to get off hard. Every so often she would manage to hook up with a guy, or several guys with huge cocks for gangbangs. She just loves having her cunt and asshole stretched wide. Three years ago, I bought her a Great Dane puppy for her birthday. She now fucks her "pet" four to five times every week, can take his knot with ease, and loves being "tied". Mary now wants to try a horse cock. Does anyone know where we can find a horse to use?
What about the ugly people that end up by themselves? [2002-10-31 08:00:10] Sloth Raper LMAO
Isn't it better that they molest an animal than rape and beat a women or child (or men)
Fuck one day we're all gonna be dead and worm food, so in the end it really is the animals fucking us! well at least fucking us over.
So fuck it if it moves and push it if it don't... ;)

Oh holy fuck a duck!
Well [2002-12-13 01:23:33] Combat_Wombat
So some animals enjoy bestality
Some children probably enjoy pedophilia

Neither children, or animals are capable of making those decisions. They don't have the maturity or intelligence, respectivly. It has to be two consenting ADULTS. Otherwise you're just taking advantage of something that doesn't know better.
sex with my pet [2003-01-03 13:55:33] dog lover
every one i met thinks that the though of having sex with dog is sick but i love to have my big rott as many time as i can. like some of these pepole are saying i don't force my dog i never had though of haveing sex with my dog any till i was playing with my self one day when i was 16 and geting very hot my dog was in it bed sleeping and i was on my back rubing a small vibrater on me i had some problm hiting that spot so i turnd over to do my self on all fours well i findly hit the spot and moned pretty loud and my dog got up so i stop having myself and lisened for my parents who could come home when ever but they where not home yet so i got ready to contiue when the dog came over and licked me i try to push him away but a 5'1" 105 pound girl was not going to push a 150 pound dog away, stared to lick me more violently so i move to get up and he mounted me he was so heave i could get up then i felt his dick go in to me it hurt so bad i had never even been with a guy befor then he fuck me for a bit mabe a min of he siding in and out of me but not like a slow in out he was going to town and then i felt some thing more go in me but after that he was bearly moving and he stay inside of me like that for 30min he was tid as i know now with his knot in me at frist i was in lots of pain and just plan scard but by the 10min of him being in me i started to in joy it so i began rocking on his dick it felt so good be the end of the 30min i just wated him to do me fast agin for like a day but when he got soft he jumped off and i got up right away and all this doggiy cum ran down my leg i was so ashamed i was raped by my dog and like it so the next day when my parens left for work i went to there bed room and called the dog he came up and i striped down and got on there bed and went on all four he jumped on the bed and railed me it was so good i have been having sex with the dog for about 3 year now and never had a problm with him or me being sick i say who gave any of these mother fucker the right to look down on us we injoy it the dogs injoy it and we dont infringe on your right and i under stand that just because the dog dont mind it dosent make if right but it dosent make it wrong though.i will keep fucking dog my entier life and find a man who injoy to wacth.
last message [2003-01-16 17:54:00] Evan Fridge
hy send mee some videos of that
dog lovers [2003-02-24 05:53:00] ben
i love having sex with my dog
sheep shagging [2003-02-24 05:55:00] ben
i luv shagging my sheep its called dolly and its got a great big bucket it slips in and out
[2003-02-24 05:59:00] nick walker
i luv sticking my 5 inch dick up a turtles tiny crack hole it soooooooooooooo soothing
Hey Dog Lover!! [2003-03-10 14:48:00] The Kaiser
I wouldnt mind cocking you over in the shotgun position and dog rapeing you. I bet my cock would feel better than your roc would. Hell, you can invite your dog with us, im all for that kinky shit. But if that mother fucker tries ramming me in my asshole im going to take him in the back field and blow his brains out of his skull with my 30/06

E-mail me whe you want to get this started : : :
[2003-03-16 16:24:00] jane
Oh my God...
I don't know whether to cry or laugh, but I definitely know that I am disturbed.

Not by the article- that was very well put.

I think that I am going to convince myself that that response was someone who was just fucking around. It was, wasn't it? Am I just a gullible idiot?
what i hate [2003-03-31 00:46:00] mark
all those horny sluts on the net having such erotic sex. They could be fucking me the cock teasing whores.
the authors of the comments on animal sex [2003-05-09 18:57:00] the only literate one left
Has anyone else noticed that each person who has commented on this topic cannot spell correctly or write a sentence properly? Maybe you people should spend more time concentrating on learning how to speak and write properly rather than fixating on how badly you want to have sex with an animal. Go back to school!!! It is no wonder this country is going to pot....maybe you people have smoked a bit too much of it....I weep for the future of America with the likes of you disturbed and illiterate people.
Dude! [2003-06-20 07:18:00] Rob
Jesus tap dancing CHRIST!

This is some sick shit here! Thank God the first amendmant only pertains to religion, and you fucks are soooo illegal! I hope you guys get caught in the act...except the poor officer would have to see.

I now know why this article was taken down from the "normal" rotation.
Who Let The dogs Out [2003-07-05 06:01:00] DogGirl
Hey get some pics of a dog shagging a girl dont show girl's face though it might embarass her.
beastiality [2003-08-06 11:52:00] marie
Unfuckingreal. I have gotten a good laugh at the comments here. To Rob, I would like to say "Jesus tap dancing Christ".....that is hilarious(God forgive me). I like to take the stance of to each his own, whatever floats your boat, all of that crap...but on beastiality, ummm, no. Sex is a primal urge that is given no forethought, simply acted out by the four legged variety of animal. Of course they'll do it but whether or not they like it isnt really our concern is it? Neither is fucking them. To the idiot who claims that her dog raped are so full of shit Im surprised even your dog will fuck you. Sick lying bitch.
Cowards, Oppressors, and Hypocrites [2003-09-04 10:38:00] Brant
"To each his own" then slander them,.... with no email or link for recourse? I think the obove title applies, then again what else is the internet for but to slander people unonimously. I think its good for people to tell there stories and or experiences fiction or non, shure its an underground subject not belonging in the mainstream so if you object.. then piss-off! As long as nobody or in this case nothing gets harmed, then what people do behind closed doors is there business. God I hate nosey people who think they can tell you what to do....ex:I have a mother-father peice of shoe neighbor that catalogs everything in my backyard and calls the city on me if they feel my tree limbs are not trimmed to spec...WHA-DA-FU! back to the topic....some of these postings are very amusing....some of these people do seem to lack education or a chromosome or two and as far as legalities, that just depends on where you live ,,I reside in a state that considered banning certian sexual positions...for any kind of couple,...however there are no laws governing beastiality here, now what in the hell was that? thank god the people Evolved a little or got over what ever that was, must of been the homophobes this is one of the backwoods states. The ignorant are always afraid of indifference. there are many forms of erotica ..this is just one of the more extreme ones. rape is defined as forced intercourse against ones will..but i too have seen consenting animals that really seem to enjoy themselves ....consenting as in the animal is offered or allowed access and they take the deal.. wrong or whatever I believe there are several factors that contribute to the developement of zoofilies including upbringing, personal preference, location, and precarious experiances. I commend those for there stories, some people find them erotic, and last as for the country...hopefully it will get better...with the republicans in the house to repair the prev damage ..we are a country built on womens values....way to p.c. touchy feely its ok that kids are more important than "Everything" but shit happens and we send in the counselors ..lets try not to make pussies out of them...its called natural selection...dont get me wrong i love the great Forest Gump said....Thats all I have to say about that.

To each his own and all that stuff
Terrible [2003-10-17 22:43:00] Macabre
After getting an e-mail advertisement about bestiality stuff, my massive hate for it was pretty much rekindled. So yeah, I got onto Google and tried to find some hate sites on the topic. The THOUGHT ALONE of sex with animals makes me want to fucking KILL. If I ever have to witness it myself, I'm gonna go fucking berzerk. Fuck...the PICTURE that was in that soul is BLEEDING after seeing that. Damn...
Um, no [2003-10-19 19:16:00] Some Guy
To all of those who like to mock the beastiphiles, fuck off. There aren't that many groups it's politically correct to scorn and mock anymore -- it used to be the "n*ggers and the jews"... then the "f*ggots" -- now you sad, scared little people are reduced to going after the fringe fetishes like beastiality.

I've never done it, but I've enjoyed (yes, enjoyed) watching a few videos of it. There are definitely some videos where the animal is being coerced -- and that's wrong. But it is similarly wrong to coerce a human -- it has nothing to do with the animals. But when a dog licks and mounts -- on his own -- a human female, you simply CAN'T claim that's coerced. Sorry.

To the ones that claim that an animal doesn't know what it's doing, like a child, and therefore shouldn't be allowed to make its own sexual choices -- so, should we start sending the cops out into the woods and arresting the animals for statutory rape when they have sex? Or perhaps when it's cross species -- you know where mules come from, right? -- maybe THAT'S when it's ok; so arrest those horses and donkeys! The concept that we can't let so-and-so do what they want to do because they're not in their right mind is a very slippery slope. Perhaps once there's a Republican government controlling everything, we should not let the Democrats vote, because clearly they're not in their right minds, and we can't have them abusing the privilege (or being abused, poor dears!) -- right? This is a ridiculous example, but it points out the obvious flaw -- where do we draw the line on deciding where people can and can't make their own decisions? And if animals can't, why aren't we arresting them when they have consensual sex in the wild?

If it's "unnatural" -- well again, where did mules come from? If it's unnatural, why are all mammal genitals shaped roughly the same? If it's unnatural, why is it even POSSIBLE? And if non-procreative sex is unnatural and immoral, then -- well, let's ban those pesky gays (and all recreational sex, for that matter, as well as masturbation...)

No, people don't like it because it makes them UNCOMFORTABLE. To be reminded that we're not really all THAT different and superior from the "animals"... to realize that we too can enjoy fucking just for fucking's sake... That scares the living crap out of a lot of people.

But for you who come in here thinking you're so high and mighty because you bash the zoophiles, you might want to consider that most surveys show that about 1 in 10 women has contemplated, and about 1 in 20 women has actually HAD intercourse with an animal (mostly dogs). That means that someone you know may well have done it. And someone you know PROBABLY has at least thought it over and been aroused by the thought. It's totally taboo, so nobody will talk about it, of course -- "polite people" (drones) just automatically agree that it's disgusting and immoral. But a lot of those "polite people" are actually DOING it behind closed doors.

Also, it's NOT unhygienic. You want bad hygiene? Go stand in a men's room and see how many men wash their hands after using the toilet. Not damn many. Most men just wave their hands under the faucet (or skip out on it completely). In fact, aside from some bacteria (e. coli, as was mentioned, and a couple others) -- animals are SAFER sex than humans -- there are no human-animal compatible STD's. Zip. None. Plus animals don't care if you're tall or short, fat or thin, ugly or a fashion model -- they love you, and they'll fuck you, regardless. Total loyalty -- something you RARELY find in us superior humans these days.

I've never had sex with an animal. I would like to watch a woman do that at some point. I'm not ashamed of my desire, but I'm angered by the narrow-minded, superior-feeling bigotry that I see in places like this. You urban rednecks can't pick on the black folks or the gays anymore... what's next?

By the way, there is a legitimate objection to beastiality -- personal preference. That's a trump card... if you're not into beasty, don't do it. If you're not into vinyl pants, don't wear them. If you don't like Chevy's, don't buy one. But don't project your fear and insecurity onto others just because you can't find a LEGITIMATE reason to ban yet another consensual activity.

Oh and for the idjit who says "it's wrong, that's why it's illegal" -- it's not. It's not a federal law -- most states make it illegal, but there are a handful (including my home state) that do NOT, as long as you can show that you aren't being cruel to the animals. And on that same note, there are still a handful of states that ban sodomy -- even among hetero married couples. Just goes to show you that the law isn't a substitute for morality.

horses [2004-01-15 03:33:00] johnear tervanks
horses are gracous creatures and have a great sense of social life with each other and are when in love they eventualy mate so wow you have picked something out nobody else knew (not).

u are so sick and dirty

phone 01730 810996 if you agree with me
beastiality [2004-02-06 21:43:00] sum guy
i love beastiality i fuck my dog all the time and she dont seem to mind. in fact she likes to come up to me all the time and stick her butt in my face and give me a look that says (hey fuck me).
beastiality [2004-02-06 23:05:00] deleted
let me tell you people a thing or two if it doesent hurt anyone what is the harm.
i to was a mere child when the family dog snuck between my legs when i was fingering my pussy. at first i was mortified and pushed him a way. he stopped as i requested. as he is a very obedient dog. but the burning desire deep in my pussy pushed me to the limit and it was exiting to see CUJO getting worked up by watching mey young female body writhing in front of him. so i let him get up from where he wa and let him lick me. oh MY ___ what a session. i was beyound the point of return when i noticed he mounted me. what a cock. and the pure animal instinct to just breed made it even more exciting. i was definetly scared at first but after giving in to him. i was in excastacy. i look forward to bathing him on a regular basis and his bath always ends in a session where i get him hard by hand then i suck his dog cock and lick his balls till he cant stand it any more.
when he mounts me it doesn't take long and i am screaming in excasty.
while i am sitting at the computer typing this CUJO is licking my CUNT
i have never tried his CUM but i believe tonite is the nite.

wish me luck. oooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
sick sick sick [2004-02-11 23:06:00] damn you fucking sick
get a life peep!~!
[2004-02-13 22:36:00] none of your F**kin bisness
that guy who says his girl likes to watch him fuck her pig is FUCKING sick my god ppl like that need lifes or not fuckin dumb girl friends
I think this isnt a bad thing [2004-02-14 21:09:00] Just a reader
personally i believe that this issue isnt a bad thing because if the people feel an intimate relationship with their animals and they want to screw them i say all the power to them, i mean when men started fucking men didnt people have aurguments like this?(same for women on women)and now they can get married in some places legally! so i beleive if people get their pleasure doing this than go for it, mind u i havent done any of this before. and yes i can type propetly and talk correctly to the first post.
animal sex [2004-02-15 11:35:00] james snodgrass
I think girls who likes sex with animals are the best. at least they tell you this is what they like. as a rule, they are looking for a man who is understanding to what they do. a lot of these women have to hide ,for fear of being caught.
i dont think this is rite, it is your body do what you want. there are men out there who enjoys helping you with your dog or horse. I must say i am one of these men. i enjoy knowing that my woman has all she can stand inside of her.i like to see the look on her face when she"ties" with her dog.its the best!!! i like teaching the young girls how to enjoy the "tie" for the next 30 minutes or so.
i am looking for a woman who is looking for a man to help and watch her. being single sometimes is boring, you know know what i mean???
raped by an animal [2004-02-15 18:13:00] just len
When I was a teenager, I lived down the road from a farm family. there was a boy and girl about my age in the family. I always went there to hang out with the boy. We would go fishing or just throw rocks. One day we caught his sister fucking the dog. We teased her alot. Well one day I went to go fishing with the boy. But he wasn't home. I headed out behind the barn to fish anyway. As I came around the barn the girl tackled me. She was quite a bit bigger than me, and she managed to tie me to a tree behind the barn. She said she was going to make me pay for teaseing her. She had tied my hands around a small tree. I was standing. She pulled my pants and underware down around my ankles. Then she forced me to my knees. She hit me a few times and roughly pulled on my penis and testicles. Then she called the dog out of the barn. They were both behind me, her and the dog. I turned my head as far as i could to see what was going on. I could see her playing with the dogs dick. She then put his paws up on my back. He was kind of doing a jerky humping motion. She reached down and put his dick close to my asshole. At first when he started humping into my ass his dick felt really skinny, and surprisingly didn't hurt at all. Thenn he started jabbing really hard and deep, and it seemed like his dick had swelled up very big. Then he just kind of slowed down and I realised that his huge knot was tied in my ass. I felt like I was being ripped apart. I was very scared. The girl laughed at me and told me to relax. In about twenty minutes the swelling went down and he got down. She untied me and laughed as she said that she would tell the whole school if I didn't do whatever she wanted from then on. I did for a lot of years. We got seperated when she went to college. And I have allways tried to find her since. There were a lot more expeirences on that farm in the next few years. I love sex with animals
I LOVE IT [2004-02-15 20:36:00] se>
k first of all, i think having sex with all animals except horses is nasty.. horses have nice long cocks that i would shove up my ass anyday! PLUS,u cant get STDS from fucking animals because STDS only occur between 2 humans... so fuck away horse lovers!
to all [2004-02-17 23:38:00] my bussiness
Beastiality is fine if you want to do it go on if you dont want to then dont its that easy. And it is not fucking illegal its a choice you make.

My first experience with it was when i was 13 and went swimming at my grandmas house and i got out of the pool and was in the shower washing off the chlorine. My grandmas dog came in the bathroom and i got out of the shower and droped the vaseline jar (i was in there beating off) and i bent over to pick it up and my grandmas dog got on me and knocked me down and started butt fucking me he did for 10 minutes. and while he did i jacked-off. it was wonderful. Now i fuck my dog, she loves it and will not let me sleep without giving it to her. After the first time i was hooked on animal sex! Ive had a few dogs butt-fuck me and i tried to screw a horse, but it moved, and i fell off of the bucket i was standing on. I know it seems weird but if there is anyone here that reads this and wants to talk chat contact me here:

And my aim screen name is:


Thanks for your time.
sex with girl dogs [2004-02-24 13:53:00] marc
hi all,
i have a girl golden retriver and i sorta find my self making out with her, and putting my fingers "in" her, can i have sex with her? how? and should i use a condom ?
Woohoo [2004-03-02 16:53:00] Bob and his questions
I have a question does anyone know is viewing beastiality on the internet illegal in Nebraska?
i have had sex with my dog [2004-03-04 12:40:00] jenn
when i was younger i was playing with myself when i rememberd how it felt to be "licked" well I saw my aunts dog and took her upstairs to my room and let her go at me. She started to lick my pussy and pushing her tongue deep inside me then she started licking my asshole and i loved it. every now and again I think about beign with a dog again
girls & dogs [2004-04-12 07:38:00] Harrison Daniels
I find the comments here very interesting! I had an experience simular to one fellow here, while cutting up with ayoung male doberman at age 13. But what really fascinates me, for some odd reason, is girls & dogs. I once saw a short film in which the famous Linda Lovelace connected with a German Shephard. Have heard of several other cases besides those mentioned here. My wife says she has heard of a few too. She admits to masturbating her pet as ayoung girl. Also claims to have witnessed a neighbor girl copulating with a horse! That sounds dangerous! I once happened to see a horse standing in a field with his penis hanging down. God it was huge -
like a long black snake, almost reaching the ground. Have heard of
a girl who was seriously injured as a result of intercourse with a dog. Also a boy. And another woman who died from injuries ssutained
after being caught with a dog & abruptly pulling apart. These are all in REL Masters book on FORBIDDEN SEXUAL BEHAVIOR. Nancy Friday's
sex fantasy books likewise contain supposedly true accounts of females with dogs. Other than the film mentioned, I've never witnessed any such thing. I'm kind of neutral on the subject otherwise, like those who say live & let live. But I DO find such cases interesting.
bestiality [2004-05-19 08:56:00] Alec
Looks like no one has posted anything new here for awhile. On the subject of bestiality, it IS against the law> Read that some experts claim it is not even posssible for a girl to have sex with a dog, that dog's just wont be turned-on to a human female's scent. So why have I seen so many dogs sniff at them & try to hump their legs, if that is so. Seems the experts are not so wise as they think. But I believe a dog could certainly hurt a girl - with his BIG knot, especially if they did get suddenly forcibly separated. Horses do not have knots, but they Do have HUGE penises, so that would HURT too. People would have to be crazy, I think, to try to mate with these animals. Maybe they like pain? But someone will say, don't knock it till you've tried it. My dad liked that saying a lot. But I think I'll pass on this one. Besides, I've heard that you can get worms from a dog, even if he don't tear your pussy or your ass all to hell. So watch out beast-fuckers!
Well... [2004-05-25 23:00:00] 4horsemen_ride
Im in Germany, here having sex with an animal is not illegal by law however the distribution and depiction on any medium is.
As for I can say, I know from breeder lecture than non-castrate dogs have been recommended to masturbate them by hand to make their desire to mate with the first female dog coming around, and horses can be treated similar.
As people rob horse's off thier sperm for fun (to say for breeders personal interests)instead of letting them hump a real mare, the question is if that is ok, why should not a person with a big personal love (in which form ever) get her horse off. That would be at least not as in-personal than seeing the stallion as a breeding juice spending piece of product they send to the slaughter when it's of no use anymore. Zoophilia is rare and people who really prefer an animal before a human partner have problems enough I think. The form it's sold over the net is moneymaking shit of actresses that would not do it if it would not bring any money. The dogs and horses involved were neither horny nor anything when humans step to them and begin to perform sexual acts, that's why its illegal in medium form over here.
I know from the horse farm where I helped out that moment when a horse wanted to mate but it should not, the mare was taken off the areal and my friend touched the horse to show me about it's behaviour. If she sorta rubbed the dick, it snorred, however if she stopped, he stomped on the floor like a protest, cus he didn't wanted her to stop. We stopped anyway, because we were responsible to care of horses another way, that was territory that's not like giving the bf a handjob. It's dangerous if a horse is aroused. Those stiff dicks in photos are another form. If the horse would really be aroused it would end up to try to hump the person, that can be deadly (like in ancient china people were put to death by it). I hate commercial broadcast of people with animals, and those girls who don't do it for money but think they do a kinky thing are lowbrains. I saw pictures of Eels and someone fucking a hen. There is the technique invented by some men to twist a hen's head around in the moment of cumming, that instensifies the death struggle of the animal. If that has to do with "bestiality" then it's human "bestial-ity." Some people are against bestiality because they have some prudish mind, if it wouldn't be a sexual taboo but only a non-sexual taboo topic, some people would not care about it.
Any opinion versus opinion should focus on the abuse of animals in 1st line, ehtnic or religious or whatever reasons should be secondary arguments. You can be sure a person who loves his animal by the heart and it goes so far to take it into his bed is the last one doing anything of damage to it, while people that want to shot some hot pics don't care anything about it.
The only bestiality pics I ever really enjoyed were drawings.
In some way, a horse can be of highly sexual attraction by elegance, however if it's a royal being, then how much didnity is it to step to a horse and take what you want of it, no matter what the horses (or other animal's) "opinion" to that may be?
People in Bestiality actually rape the animals. Maybe not in a violent, abusive way but they rape their rights to exist among us as our friends and servants, serving us sexually was never part of their job, no one would think a french maid girl's servant job is also containing to serve some male round's dicks, but animals won't tell their complaints by words to anyone, so some quite pervert people think they can treat their properties like living dildos and gum pussies. :(
dog-fuckers [2004-05-29 09:45:00] H.D.
I recently stumbled accross 2 items on the web about girls or women having intercourse with dogs. One girl wrote to a guy named Chris Fariello about having intercourse with her dog whenever her boyfriend was away. Another thing was about a pregnant woman who had coitus with her German shepherd but had an allergic reaction to his semen & had to go to her doctor. It said she broke out in whelps, instead of whelts. Whelps means puppies, ha ha! Talk about a weirdass typo. Someone wrote to an on-line sex therapist & asked if her dog could get her pregnant. He said, "Only in science-fiction." I used to wonder about all those weird critters in ancient mythology that were part human & part beast, like centaurs, satyrs & mermaids. But I finally decided someone had just let their imaginations run away with 'em. Be good folks. Don't have any bestiality intercourse with your pets! That's just too damned naughty!!!
Hand jobs [2006-12-17 17:11:28] ROCHOUDERR
What is with you dog-fuckers? [2007-01-28 21:58:25] Sean
If you keep posting animal erotica here (I just deleted like 10 hideous stories) I'm going to disable the comments on this article.
That's it, dog-fuckers... [2007-02-25 23:11:34] Sean
comments are turned off. You just couldn't control yourselves, could you? [note to future generations: you wouldn't believe the goddam comments i've just deleted here]
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