By: Pop [2003-07-01]

Things Found Dept.

painstaking Q-tip restoration also by Pop

Discuss. Possible topics include:

  • Possessive plurals.
  • Labels: how many are too many?
  • Occasion of construction.
  • The Lady.
  • The Tiger!

Winning [2003-07-01 06:22:00] Hieronymous Biscuit
Winning is usually better than losing.
Also Loudness [2003-07-01 08:07:00] Hieronymous Biscuit
War can get very loud.
War [2003-07-01 08:27:00] Snotkitty
Winning isn't much better than losing right now. We've basically won but we've still got those sneak-attacking jagoffs killing our marines.
Differences [2003-07-01 08:43:00] Hieronymous Biscuit
There is a big problem trying to reconcile incompatible cultures and competing economic systems. There was a good story today about the military police who think we should get out of Iraq. Also, I don't believe in religion, especiacally don't believe in religious freedom for people whose religion is telling them to kill anyone not of their faith.
Operation Goat Fuck [2003-07-01 10:22:00] Thomas Keegan
If victory means dying for oil, then I'll have to pass. Then again, if victory means dying for Joe Q. Iraqi, then I'll have to pass again. Especially when Joe Q. doesn't feel grateful and shoots at me after I relieve him of his oppression.
Operation Hippie Fuck [2003-07-01 12:40:00] Snotkitty
If these damn protesters can't come up with a better slogan than "No war for oil," I'm going to run them over with my car as they sit in their little circles of silent protest.
Operation Moronic Fuck [2003-07-01 16:11:00] Thomas Keegan
If you're so gungho about killing protestors why aren't you sitting in some recruiters chair?

I hate assholes who like to say bullshit like "I support our troops" and fly the american flag out of their car windows, and yet are willing to put nothing on the line themselves. If you are such a huge supporter of Iraqi interests, why don't you fucking join up and help police their streets? Why don't you risk the grenade attacks and the snipers? Why not? I'll tell you why: you're a goddamn hypocrite.

I am a soldier, and I like to think I'm pretty goddamn good at what I do, namely target practice and paper shuffling. I volunteered to go overseas three times and was denied. I didn't even want to go; I felt I wouldn't be fulfulling my duty if I did not ask. Even as a REMF, I would rather my life was risked than some man or woman with a family. You sat at home and ate popcorn as the bombs dropped.

Above all, your belief that protesters are hippies who deserve beatings leads me to believe that America is sliding into a very dark place. A place where there is no right to assemble in groups or to speak your mind. I wish more people would exercise their right to burn a flag, since the same people who would be offended by the symobolism are equally disrespectful by wearing the likeness of the colors on clothing or eating and drinking off of plates and cups bearing its image.

People like you make me sick.
mr Keegan seems grumpy... [2003-07-01 16:35:00] minna
*please dont hurt me*

anyway, i don't think that would be a very good place for a tiger. and it looks like it was traced from a vintage 1940s circus poster.

on the subject of hippies: good or evil i think the same thing i think about a lot of things. "feel however you want but don't be annoying about it. if you are the one being annoyed, just go do somthing else. either way, avoid getting bitchy and the world will be a better place"
Kill Ratio [2003-07-01 17:57:00] Hieronymous Biscuit
I like the term "kill ratio" that got a lot of use during the Nam time. I read a statistic as high as 5.5 million killed, so there was a kill ration of about 100:1, and still no Victory. Iraq, there's a kill ratio of better than 100:1, but there's a big difference between taking a territory, and holding it. An apparent defect in the current strategy is no clear plan of what to do after conquest, er, Liberation. Fer sure, we don't want to nyook the oil fields and have a profitable resource become useless due to radioactivity. The UN should take over, like in Bosnia, Serbia, Croatia; but there it was funny that the Clinton admin was out to "save the Muslims" from an evil oppressive dictator, and it has since become obvious that their are a bunch of 10th century goatherds and camel drivers who generally don't have any liking for western civilization. I am getting to the opinion that "Fortress America" is a good idea, isolationist, and no occupation, no re-build; just retaliate with a week of carpet-bombing as needed. Also, quit handing out green cards and visas to everyone who wants to get into to our life boat. The life boat is a development model, how many can get into the life boat before it sinks? But you might notice that the more people get into the life boat, it rides lower in the water, the quality of life is diminished. It seems so to me, anyway. Here, fully 30% of the county residents are now foreign-born, many speak no English at all. I do not like feeling alien and unwelcome in my own damned country, not that I'm patriotic, just fighting for my own damned living space.
tiger in your tank! [2003-07-01 18:00:00] H.R.
now i know what the dead priest man was talking about--war propaganda posters!
VIV [2003-07-01 20:02:00] laconic
Isn't giving them Victory in Vietnam a bad idea? I mean isn't that something we should be keeping for ourselves? Perhapes this poster is when it all went so terribly wait that was the Tet Offensive, my bad.
After the French [2003-07-01 20:23:00] Hieronymous Biscuit
I think it was going wrong in the early 1950's, the French were getting out of the Nam and colonial empires were folding their tents. I don't know why the US felt the need to fill the vacuum and move in, except that it was the time of Tailgunner Joe McCarthy and the anticommunist paranoia. The US should abandon South Korea, Taiwan, Colombia, Botswana, Burundi, and Bolivia, and take a lesson from the Japanese: make lots of bad candy, school girl porn, bad cars and cartoons, and have loud yelling contests. Also, more neon than the Ginza.
Soldier boy has it right [2003-07-01 21:25:00] Andrewsarchus
But, I subscribe to the "The world is my country, all men are my bretheren, and to do good is my religion." thing Thomas Paine was on to that (although I'm atheist, not a deist). My brother served in the Nation Guard. His favorite brand of vodka comes from France. A man pointed out it was French, so he must not be patriotic. He said, "Excuse me? Whose the one who served his country? Oh, wait! It was me!" France is doing what America is doing right now: denying they had anything to do with Iraq and convering their backsides (where did Iraq get those chemical weapons? BUSH SR.! Oh, delicious irony.

So, unless you get yourself in unifrom shut the fuck up.

Yeah, shut up about war protesters. Their only other slogan is "Bush has a vendetta for Sadam trying to kill his dad, so I'll kill millions of innocent people who either a) don't care about America or b) hate America because of brainwashing, only now they have concrete evidence for which to hate Empire America." and are great reads. The latter is kept by a man from Baghdad, who is paraphrased saying: I didn't like Sadam, but please excuse me if I don't throw flowers at the missiles."

I have friends stationed in Kuiwait and Afganistan, and my biggest fear is them dying because some wacko decides that Americans aren't holy and must die.

Jesus said something like, "Bring my enemies before me, and slay them with a sword." It's in the bible somewhere. try or for the exact quote. All religion is bad, folks.
Tigers! (grr!) [2003-07-01 21:47:00] Andrewsarchus
My school mascot is the tiger. There was a mural painted of one in the Commons area, but the school still looks horrible. All the money was spent on a school farther down the bayou, since that's where most of the School board is from.

Louisiana public education!
I think it's a Girl Scout [2003-07-02 01:54:00] Hieronymous Biscuit
There's a soldier in the grass
With a bullet in his ass
Take it out! Take it out!
Like a good Girl Scout
Damn... [2003-07-02 07:03:00] Snotkitty
I wish I checked for new posts more often, otherwise idiots talk shit unchecked. I AM in uniform, in fact I'm in uniform as I type this. I'm a sailor stationed in San Diego, one of the main points for protests performed lately. I've seen the most of it from our backwards-ass hippie fucks, and I'm sick of it. And what is an REMF? I really hope that doesn't have something to do with the reserves, because if some weekend warrior pussy is trying to talk shit to me, I'm gonna fuckin' puke. And I wasn't eating popcorn or shufflin' papers like a little bitch, for that matter. I was out patrolling the coast for weeks at a time. You try and talk about sacrifice sitting in your little office somewhere? Ha. Good one. Did the air conditioning break? Did the Mr. Coffee stop working? I feel your pain. And I'm not against protesting, I'm against people who protest and can put forth no good reason why. I'm not against freedom of speech, either, I've seen some very effective arguments against the war put forth on this site. I'll admit that even though I'm for the war. Someone wants to burn a flag? Fine by me, as long as they have a half decent reason to do it, and the fact that mommy and daddy didn't give them as much attention as they'd have liked doesn't count.

And finally, I'm glad you can generalize enough about who I am by the one sentence post I wrote. As you can see, you were completely wrong. Then again, I'm sure you're probably used to that by now.
USAID [2003-07-02 07:35:00] Hieronymous Biscuit
The military end of it went off just fine, but there seems to be some lollygagging over the re-build. I have been watching the online briefings from the USAID , which all sound good, but I'm not seeing the heavy equipment moving. Just yesterday, I heard a politico lamenting that if America can put a water system in here, why is there a problem in Iraq. If the Iraqnoids standard of living can be improved so as they notice, it might shut some of them up. But I still think that their oil should pay for the re-construction.
REMF [2003-07-02 11:20:00] Pop
Rear Echelon MF

I'm still waiting for someone to explain the symbolism of the Vietnam poster to me. Who's Viv? What does the tiger represent (no points for "victory")? Why is it Viv who holds the leash restraining the tiger? Is "tank" a pun?

This old poster is just an example of the fuzzy thinking always put forth by those supporting our many excursions to put the brown people back in line. Here's a partial list of the countries we've invaded, omitting some of the "good" invasions, and countries we've merely bombed or disrupted covertly:

Argentina (1890), Chile (1891), Haiti (1891), Hawaii (1893), Nicaragua (1894), China (1894), Panama (1895), Philippines (1898), Cuba (1898), Puerto Rico (1898), Nicaragua (1898), Samoa (1899), Panama (1901), Honduras (1903), Dominican Republic (1903), Korea (1904), Cuba (1906), Nicaragua (1907), Honduras (1907), Panama (1908), Nicaragua (1910), Honduras (1911), China (1911), Cuba (1912), Panama (1912), Honduras (1912), Nicaragua (1912), Mexico (1913), Dominican Republic (1914), Mexico (1914), Haiti (1914), Dominican Republic (1916), Cuba (1917), Russia (1918), Honduras (1919), Guatemala (1920), Turkey (1922), China (1922), Honduras (1924), Panama (1925), China (1927), El Salvador (1932), Puerto Rico (1950), Egypt (1956), Panama (1958), Vietnam (1960s), Cuba (1961), Laos (1962), Panama (1964), Dominican Republic (1965), Guatemala (1966), Cambodia (1969), Oman (1970), El Salvador (1981), Lebanon (1982), Honduras (1983), Grenada (1983), Bolivia (1986), Virgin Islands (1989), Panama (1989), Liberia (1990), Kuwait (1991), Somalia (1992), Haiti (1994), Zaire (1996)
Virgin Islands? [2003-07-02 11:42:00] Hieronymous Biscuit
How come they never invite me for any of the fun invasions? In Mexico City, there is a big monument from Cuba to Mexico listing 243 (I think) invasions/incursions in the Western Hemisphere by the US. No wonder the World thinks America is arrogant. It is a never ending task making the world safe for democracy, in a world full of non-democrats. I would think that the tiger is the meat-eating military, and Viv is mom and apple pie.
Leash [2003-07-02 12:43:00] Hieronymous Biscuit
It was a big comlaint during the Nam era that it was an ongoing "police action" and that they never did let the military off the leash. There wasn't supposed to be a victory.
i like tigers [2003-07-02 14:39:00] Sean
if i had a tank i'd want one in it.. GRRRRRRRROWR

the tiger and i could wrestle.. jesus that'd be fun
[2003-07-02 18:22:00] Dedas
It's "Wrestling with grizzly bears" Sean, not tigers!
Just thinking, I wonder if a grizzly bear would fit in a tank? But it depends on the size of it I suppose... both the bear and the tank.
The Bear [2003-07-02 20:20:00] Hieronymous Biscuit
I think that the "tiger in the tank" is a take-off on the Exxon Oil ad slogan, the bear might be taken for the Soviet Bear. Also, there's the alliteration. I guess that you could say, "Put a bear in your bivouac."
Symbolism explained [2003-07-02 20:59:00] Spiff
The tiger's name is victory, however the artist chose to color this particular tiger orange and that symbolism is obviously more important to the composition. Orange along with the color red are vibrant colors often used in nature as a warning, as seen in the case of the poison dart frog and many other amphibians. The orange tiger clearly warns us against 'Victory'. VIV is also bright red as a warning, but warning against what? The fact that 'VIV says' something in this poster means VIV is a character on the poster. It's natural to assume that VIV is the woman in the green dress, but if that were the case why would the artist wish to warn us of her danger? Since the artist didn't color her in a warning color we can safely assume she is not VIV. Logically, that means VIV is the tiger. The poster states 'VIV SAYS 'PUT THIS TIGER IN OUR BOYS" TANK'. This could be confusing if you assume the woman in the green dress is VIV, but is rather clear when you realize VIV is the tiger. The tiger is telling you to put it in a confined space with small children.
Pointless Observation [2003-08-12 04:06:00] Vinno
Firstly, I think there's something terribly wrong when people are wishing their troops well in a war that doesn't even exist yet.

Secondly, Putting a tiger in a tank wouldn't be too great an idea if you want the troops in said tank to drive properly. Even if it is a metaphorical tiger, as most military personelle don't know the meaning of 'metaphorical'.
uh [2003-08-13 06:45:00] koob
The lady is giving us the finger.
haiti [2004-03-18 11:16:00] kaycee
please.i hate that word
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