By: Price Check [2003-07-29]

Confessions of a Mouth-Breather

my contempt for all you self-rightous, sanctimonious breathing orifice nazis

digging through the clip art, trying not to use the horrible conjunctivitis gif again

I first realised something was wrong with me when I heard what I remember as, but probably have internally mixed up my pop-culture references on, Elaine callously insulting one of the well meaning one-shot minor characters on Seinfeld as... [sob] a mouth-breather.

How easily I remember the almost hate crime-like insult falling from her lips. Its soul-destroying import washing over and slowly seeping into my every pore like the most degrading of Japanese mass circle jerk money shots.

Suddenly I realised, like a 4-year-old boy told angrily not to touch himself THERE by a neurotic mother ("Look, Shane! He's masturbating!"), that my choice on which particular orifice to breath both in and out from was somehow a cause for ridicule, vilification, and ostracism by the supposedly "right" breathing moral majority on their march towards the inevitable destination of intolerance and lowest common denominator mob rule.

As is always the way with these things, now that I was conscious of this personal failure of mine, there seemed to be a wave of references over the next few months to mouth-breathing on American sit-coms (to which I am particularly weak.) At best they suggested a disappointing rash of plagiarism and lack of pride festering in the sit-com scriptwriting fraternity. At worst they suggested the deeply rooted yet admittedly well known Zionist control festering in the sit-com scriptwriting community, yet with an until now unknown agenda against alternative orifice breathing communities.

With so many hot knives of accusation burning under my skin, put there by such, to me, well-respected sources (me being quite positive towards the Zionist leech sucking at the shin of the American news and entertainment industry; after all, those Jews certainly are funny guys!), my mental state was understandably one of despondence, disillusionment, and self-hate.

I tried breathing through my nose. Oh God, believe me I did! I tried in-nose/out-mouth, in-mouth/out-nose, and even in a fit of extreme mouth-breathing denial, in-nose/out-nose. But without continued and intense conscious effort, over 20 years of filthy ingrained mouth-breathing urges were impossible to suppress.

I am a mouth-breather. At the time, coming to terms with that was hard, nigh impossible. I carried the spectre of it around and added it to the array of other well-known inadequacies that I am constantly concious of.

But that was then; by finally unburdening my soul with the telling of this story, and seeing my previous thoughts in cold hard Notepad-generated text (yes
Notepad - eat my balls you holier than thou "vi" using linux motherfuckers - Windows IS easier to use!) -

- I have come to realise the futility of self-denial. So in conclusion I would like to sum up my contempt for all you self-rightous, sanctimonious breathing orifice nazis out there.


Author's note:

It has come to mind that my complete inability to smell anything has something to do with the lack of air flowing inwards over my olfactory system, i.e. nosebreathing. The author assures you, the reader, that further thought into the merits of various breathing regimes is being had by the entire authorial team.
Reader's Note [2003-07-29 01:02:00] Pop
It took a team to write this?
Well... [2003-07-29 02:38:00] Price Check
The chips on my shoulders were valued contributors.
Turtles [2003-07-29 04:54:00] Hieronymous Biscuit
Turtles can breathe through their butts!
Wait I'm confused [2003-07-29 07:08:00] Laconic
Are you pissed at Linux users, Nose-breathers, or jews...or all three?
Turtle Butt-Breathing Schematic [2003-07-29 07:09:00] Hieronymous Biscuit
Turtle Butt-Breathing Schematic
[2003-07-29 07:22:00] spurious 8259A interrupt: IRQ7.

90% of linux users are nose breathers, now we know why he uses windows, damn bigoted orifice man, accept people for whichever orifice they breath through.

Clearly breathing is the new homosexuality.
The Linix Users. [2003-07-29 07:45:00] Price Check
After all, it is only human nature to use one's influence to steer the act of breathing away from an orifice which presents you with no intrinsic advantage or disadvantage, towards an orifice with which you hold an intrinsic and significant size based breathing advantage.
[2003-07-29 07:54:00] Price Check
(The previous point was intended to explain my benignity towards both jews and nosebreathers, per se.) However, i think spurious interrupt both sells himself short by prefacing his opinions with the adjective "spurious", and gets to the key of the issue by advocating the freedom of breathing-related-orifice-choice. Whilst admittedly muddying my argument with emotionally charged words, the crux of the matter is that I wish only to be allowed the basic freedom of breathing through whichever orifice i wish, be it nose (were but i able), mouth, or as biscuit so openmindedly pointed out, anus!
Nord Computers [2003-07-29 07:59:00] Hieronymous Biscuit
Turtles program Algol on Nord Computers, while whistling Wagner through their wazoo.
[2003-07-29 10:07:00] minna
hmm. nosebreathing, mouthbreathing, other, it doesnt matter as long as it's done quietly
Butt Breathing [2003-07-29 11:36:00] Hieronymous Biscuit
The inhaling part is usually pretty quiet, it's the exhaling that can get noisy.
Points for breathing [2003-07-29 17:35:00] Andrewsarchus
Here is an objective view of breathing, nose vs mouth. With HTML!

Mouth: Increased air intake.
Nose: Limited air intake, but filters air-born impurities.

Mouth: Can be quieter.
Nose: Can be noiser, what with dried mucus and/or allergies.

Mouth: Socically, percieved as someone with low intelligence and of a questionable gene pool.
Nose: No one notices, unless it is noisey. see above point

Mouth: Avoids all smells; garbage, cat litter, self, roses, pharamones, and could leave other's hygene unknown.
Nose: Absorbs all odors indescrimately.

Mouth: Primary purpose is the first stage of digestion
Nose: Primary purpose is taking in air/smelling.

There you have. I personally prefer nosebreathing, because I try to be as less noticable as possible. I'm like a ninja!
Butt... [2003-07-29 17:46:00] Hieronymous Biscuit
not like a Ninja Turtle!
Gah! [2003-07-30 02:23:00] spurious 8259A interrupt: IRQ7.

I like to marginalize and stereotype people you know, so as soon as a lefty starts losing an argument and they have to bring out their trump card,and I just laugh and laugh, and secretly pretend I'm a lefty.

It's like a game of top trumps and I pull out the best card from down my pants. Only it's not really the best card it's actually a polaroid of my crusty ass.

You could say I'm really just afraid of people that are differant than me.
Polaroid? [2003-07-30 07:57:00] Hieronymous Biscuit
Gawd, people still use Polaroids in this day and age? I would go for the digital butt shot. Or at least, Xerox my posterior for posterity.
Jornalistic Integrity! [2003-08-03 10:38:00] spurious 8259A interrupt: IRQ7.
Oh wow! someone's been abusing their editorial powers! Good work.
Mouth Breathing is a total turn-off... [2003-08-09 12:17:00] Where's the duct tape, DAMMIT?

I firmly believe I live with Darth Vader. Since his death in the original star wars movie, I think his essence took over my husband's body...

I have been tempted to crazy glue his mouth together. He has a huge nose, it's not as if he would asphyxiate were he to breathe PROPERLY - through the nose. His mother is another one...Yecch!!!

It can contribute to bad breath as well

Sometimes I'll put my hand over his mouth when we are...ummm 'busy'. I am grateful for being female, because at least I don't have to be worried about losing a hard-on...I'm at the point that I prefer masturbating - it is just such a turn-off.

At least with him, it gets worse when he is stressed, tense or anxious...since he missed the promotion, it has been horrid for him, and for me listening to him...

He has been in speech therapy for 3 months now, and there is some improvement - but he resents it... He's only going because he wants a promoition, and the mouth-breathing stuff has held him back, and makes my brilliant husband sound like an ape-man, or Neanderthal

He has not gotten promoted in various jobs over the past 10 years - he does not yet see how it affects how he is perceived.

Thank God he does not also drag his knuckles on the ground when he walks.
[2003-08-30 16:22:00] some one
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