By: posthumous
yer Sunday comix
It must be a roadside flower because it read a bumper-sticker. Ninja flowers make me think of carnivorous plants. But I think this must be a reference to the "Ninja Flower" by Natsue Ogoshi. "The Cabbage of Love" seems like a funny story!
Where's it bandanna and nunjuckas?
the original
flower is here. much as I admire Biscuit's heroic attempts to make sense of things without context, I would also like to say that even though for every single other Zirealism the text is dialog, it's not for this one (unless you really want it to be).
Oh, yeah I remember the original poster, but I would never have found the "Cabbage of Love" had I not scratched around to find the "Ninja Flower." Old blues song: "If It Weren't for Fuzzy Logic, I'd Have No Logic at All"
But I think that you're all missing the point. This Zirealism sucks harder than Posthumous at a street corner for five dollars. Bring on the fanfictions!
I don't suck very hard for 5 dollars.
I agree, It sucks hard! ulitmate ninja power is kewler!
You should spell your name "ch347", since you are so "1337".
I like it....except for the where have all the flowers gone reference...that's a bit too much for me.
What the hell are you babbling about, jonas??? Do you not see!!! Fanfiction starts tomarrow, No time to ponder my name!! If you want to ponder something, go ponder why you haven't been viciously gang raped.
for his missuse of 1337, i declare that jonas sucks harder than posthumous on a streetcorner for $10.27 and a shiny button.
My but we all devolved into oral sex quickly.
*singing* where have all the flowers gone?... long time passing! where have all the flowers gone?... don'tknowanymorewords!
*insert insane laughter here*
I smoked them!
I've been spending my student-council-class cleaning out some classrooms that Mr and Mrs David taught English/Speech/Student Council in. I found a large collection of posters dating pre-1982, post-1968. I love them dearly. If I can, I'll take pictures of them for all of you, since I know you want it, badly.
Tell me you want it.