By: Jonas [2003-09-05]

The Submission

thingsihate fanfic number five

I hate hate hate trying to format screenplays in html, at which I suck, but Matie and I would like to point out: Hugo Weaving is <i>hot</i>.

It was a pleasant autumn afternoon when jonas walked into the thingsihate offices and presented editor Jim with a thin manila envelope.

"Hi staniel," jonas said, standing in front of Jim's desk.

"Good afternoon, jonas," Jim replied, looking up from his work. "You can just call me Jim, you know."

"This is taking place about two years ago, I will call you fucking staniel."

"Uh," Jim paused. "Okay."

"So anyway," jonas continued, "I have this submission for you guys. I think it's really good, and I hope you'll be able to use it."

"Well Sean's in Germany with his theatre troupe, and Annna's asleep right now, but I'll take a look at it--we can probably have it posted by the end of this week."

Excited, jonas handed Jim the envelope. Jim took it, pulled the sheets of paper out, and leaned back in his plush leather chair to read.

This is what Jim read:


The hall of Elrond's house, where at a table Frodo, Gandalf, Aragorn, Boromir, Legolas, Gimli, and other Elves, Dwarves, and Men are sitting.

A door opens and Elrond Halfelven enters.

Elrond sits down across from Frodo. A thick folio thumps down on the table between them.

Frodo glances at the Elvish script across the folio's cover: "Baggins, Frodo."

As you can see, we've had our eye
on you for some time now, Mr.

He opens the folio. The shuffling of old parchment and vellum marks the silence as he flips several pages. Frodo cannot tell if the ancient Elf-lord is looking at the folio or at him.

It seems that you have been living
two lives. In one life, you are
Frodo Baggins, a respectable
resident of Crickhollow. You go for
walks, eat plenty of food and help
your friend with his gardening.

The pages continue to turn.

The other life is lived on the road
where you go by the traveling alias
Underhill, and are carrying the fate
of all the Free Peoples of Middle-
Earth in your pocket.

Frodo feels himself sinking.

One of these lives has a future.
The other does not.

He closes the folio.

I'm going to be as forthcoming as
I can be, Mr. Baggins. You are
here because we need your help.
We know that you are being sought
after by two individuals. The
first is the Enemy, who is called
Sauron. The other is the wizard
Saruman. Whatever you think you
know about Saruman is irrelevant
to the fact that he is considered
by many of the wise to be the most
dangerous man alive.

He leans closer.

My kindred believe that I am
wasting my time with you, but I
believe you want to do the right
thing. It is obvious that you are
an intelligent hobbit, Mr. Baggins,
and that you must see that the Ring
did not come to you without reason.

Frodo tries to match his stare.

The Ring was made in the fires of
Mount Doom. Only there can it be
unmade. It must be taken deep into
Mordor and cast back into the fiery
chasm from whence it came. You must
do this.

Frodo nods to himself.

Yeah. Wow. That sounds like a
real good deal. But I think I
have a better one. How about I
give you the finger --

He does.

And you give me my phone call.

When he finished reading, Jim got out of his chair, walked around to the front of his desk, and leaned against it, tactfully explaining: "You know, we really don't accept fan fiction here, the only exception having been Lou Duchez's 'Undersea Nightmare' stories -- and those were posted more out of belated respect since he's dead. thingsihate has a particular appeal, and while your submission is good, I'm afraid neither I nor the editors can make an exception for you. After all, there are a thousand other sites out there where you can post fanfic, or slash fiction." Jim looked at jonas and hoped he understood.

jonas minced no words in his reply: "I got your slash fiction right here, motherfucker!" And in one swift motion perfected by the samurai of feudal Japan, jonas whipped his three-foot-long, razor-sharp cock out of his pants, and sliced Jim from throat to groin (though their dicks did not touch). And so thingsihate enjoyed a time of peace and justice, until Annna met Robert Englund, and Sean was arrested on-stage, midway through his first performance as Humbert Humbert.
Razor Cock [2003-09-05 01:11:00] Thomas Keegan
I wish I had a razor sharp cock.
Wow. [2003-09-05 04:32:00] Antwan
Jonas, I take back everything bad I've ever said about you.
[2003-09-05 04:37:00] The Cheat
ok honestly, Do I really need to say How I feel on this Jonas? By why did you mention the mail sexual parts, do you have a penis fetish?
Dear Lord [2003-09-05 07:39:00] Laconic
did the fics need to involve penises? Because if so mine totally violated the rules.
Hey! Stop that! [2003-09-05 13:50:00] Antwan
No one can bother Jonas. This was the greatest thing I'd seen all day. (except for when I used the bathroom and got a peek at my own enormous penis)
Shut up! [2003-09-05 13:59:00] The Cheat
Shut up antwan!!! How dare you, I'm your biggest fan, and you dare Compliment my greatest rival! You ultimatly suck...your no longer I'm your new fan club Leader! HB will win!
wow [2003-09-05 14:06:00] Laconic
Cheat switched over to Buscuit before he became my fan-club leader. I'm insulted and complemented at the same time.
New additions. [2003-09-05 15:37:00] Antwan
The Antwan fan club has informed me that they do in fact support Jonas and that I am now the savior of the Earth for forcing The Cheat to leave the club. Public opinion of The Cheat dropped after he started putting pictures of Ariel with a penis from The Little Mermaid in the "photos" section of the site. I think that Jonas should at least get the complimentary prize, one free "Don't punch me in the throat" pass.
Vera Cruz [2003-09-05 17:07:00] Hieronymous Biscuit
I only just found out that there is a ferry boat thatt goes from Tampa, Florida to Vera Cruz, Mexico. How's that for a non sequitur?
[2003-09-05 18:16:00] jonas
Pretty good.
Angry. [2003-09-05 18:20:00] Antwan
You ruined the moment Biscuit.
NO [2003-09-05 19:17:00] The Cheat
That's it, Antwan has ticked me off more. He actually doesn't have a fan club, if it wasn't for me, no one would care. So since Biscuit does not care about it, I'm switching to LACONIC!!! mwhahahaha...You suck antwan! Laconic Will Win!!
Annna [2003-09-05 22:08:00] jonas
Thanks for putting up with the formatting hassles. I knew I'd slip that by you at one point. It more became a matter of pride at the end. And underhanded deceit.
Throat punch [2003-09-05 22:11:00] jonas
I don't want to get cancer.
The Big "C" [2003-09-05 23:37:00] Hieronymous Biscuit
I always think of the morphine.
GAY!! [2003-09-06 03:31:00] Virgil Phutzenrueter
I'm sure you mentioned the "dicks did not touch" thing so nobody would think you're a butt pirate, right? DON'T WORRY, YOUR SECRET'S SAFE WITH US.
All content copyright original authors; contact them for reprint permission.