By: Jake Fender [2003-09-09]

Abolish Antwan Now!

goddamn right

this is as close to a Lincoln picture as I could get

Editors: Please cite Abraham Lincoln as the author of this piece. He would be greatly displeased were I to take credit for his hard wrought stance on the issue of Antwanery. Thank you. - Jake Fender

Esteemed gentlemen and ladies of The Organization of Objects I Find Strenuously Displeasing,

In compliance with a custom as old as the Organization itself, I appear before you to address you briefly, and to take, in your presence, the gift of preserves that has been so generously offered forth from the Editors of this web-site. In doing this there needs to be no bloodshed or violence; and there shall be none, unless it be forced upon the editorial authority. The power confided to me will be used to hold, occupy, and possess the property but beyond what may be necessary for these objects to be opened and spread liberally over lightly toasted rye bread, there will be no invasion, no using of force against or among the people anywhere.

Before entering upon so grave a matter as the destruction of our editorial fabric, with all its benefits, its memories, and its hopes, would it not be wise to ascertain precisely why we do it? Will you hazard so desperate a step, while there is any possibility that any portion of the ills you fly from bear no evil threat? Will you, while the certain ills you fly to, are greater than all the supposed ones you fly from? Will you risk the commission of so fearful a mistake as to let Antwan Hearts and his miscreants destroy the legacy of our Organization?

That there are persons in one context or another who seek to destroy the Union at all events, and are glad of any pretext to do it, I will not deny; and as such, I need address no word to them. To those, however, who really love the Union may I not speak?

All profess to be content in the Union, if all of the Guidelines can be maintained. Is it true, then, that any right, plainly written in the Guidelines, has been denied when idiots are denied the chance to sully greatness? I think not. Happily the human mind is so constituted, that no party can reach the audacity of finding the antics of Antwan Hearts bearable. Think, if you can, of a single instance in which a plainly written sentence written by Mr. Hearts has ever been coherent enough to merit a serious reply. If by the mere force of the number of times he has stated his sub-human opinion, a minor figure should deprive a majority of any pleasure taken from a duly submitted article, it might, in a moral point of view, justify revolution -- certainly would, if such a right to pleasure were a vital one. And such is the case now. All the vital rights of Mr. Hearts and his foul progeny, are so plainly assured to them, by affirmations and negotiations, by editors tired of dealing with the constant mewling whine, that controversies never arise concerning them.

However, I would save this Union. I would save it the shortest way under the Guidelines set forth by our Fore-editors. The sooner the Organizational integrity can be restored; the nearer the Union will be "the Union as it was." If there be those who would not save the Union, unless they could at the same time save Mr. Hearts, I do not agree with them. If there be those who would not save the Union unless they could at the same time destroy Mr. Hearts, then so be it. If the destruction of Antwan Hearts and the terrible subversion he espouses will save the Union, then I am for it. My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not to save slavery to the mind-numbing tirades of Mr. Hearts and his cronies. What I would have you do about Mr. Hearts, and his semi-retarded side-kicks, I would have you do because I believe it helps to save the Union; and what I would have you forbear, I would have you forbear because I do not believe it would help to save the Union. I shall urge you to do less whenever I shall believe what is being done hurts the cause, and I shall urge you to do more whenever I shall believe what is being done will help the cause.

I have here stated my purpose according to my view of official duty; and I intend no modification of my oft-expressed personal wish that all men everywhere could be free of Antwan Hearts.

A. Lincoln
sex [2003-09-09 01:08:00] rhetoric tongue
i know you like most others just want to screw antwan
i know i do
the twisted psycho needs a lesson or two on pain and humiliation
[2003-09-09 03:20:00] twins
I do believe that the last coupla posts have brought the Unstables right out of the woodwork. There must be a whole FANCLUB of them out there, bound together by their hatred of Antwan. Ironic that in their hatred of something insane, they too have become like the thing they hate; insane. Hell, you want insane, read the last post on Antwan's Army.
* The writer wishes to express that he/she harbours no feelings of ill will or any specific harm against Antwan or any of his associates.
A war then? [2003-09-09 04:32:00] Antwan
My fan club versus my hate club? Rally your troops then Jake! You might not have know but IT TOOK A KITTEN MADE OUT OF KNIVES to bring me down!
[2003-09-09 04:35:00] The Cheat
does everyone have this obession with antwan? Damn, mine should win just because it has OTHER people. I couldn't even read this artcile, it had a historical aura around it.
Color me intolerant [2003-09-09 11:49:00] Jake Fender
The impact is somewhat lessened when everyone writes about how much they hate Antwan. Much like drowning new born kittens or people born with deformities and less than "normal" mental capacities, I just want Things I Hate to be like it was before the Antwanery. I have to deal with retards every day. I don't want to deal with them on the websites I frequent.
Ditto [2003-09-09 11:59:00] Pop
Antoine, it would be so nice if you weren't here. Or older.
Don't forget people [2003-09-09 12:15:00] Morticia~
Any and all of us who wrote about the indubitably irritating Antwan did not KNOW that we were all writing about the same subject. Unless we all secretly met somewhere in Vermont at a secret cabin in the woods to actually plan this (and perhaps have hot wild animal sex), you do realize that it was just a freak of nature that caused this catastrophic tragedy.
(the freak of nature being.. you know... Antwan)
Is it not possible that he just vexed us collectively at the exact very moment in time that we were putting hand to mouse?
Now quit your bitchin' about the subject, and just enjoy the stories.

ps I had a great time btw, we will have to book that cabin again next year *vink*
[2003-09-09 12:23:00] Nakoruru
Ok , men! It's time to unite together and take down anyone who dares to step in Antwans way! This means that you , The Cheat , and I must cooperate. As much as I enjoy my little rivalry with you , we must join together to take down our common enemy. And that enemy is none other than.....Posthumous! Yes , him....think about it , nobody had a problem with Antwan The Great before he came along and ruined everything! Now he rarely posts at all , now that he got all his little flunkies to do the posting battles for him!
HE'S RIGHT!!! [2003-09-09 13:51:00] The Cheat
Nakoruru is right! Sorry laconic, I'm no longer in your fan club, I'm back on Antwans! wait, The only rival I have is Jonas, SO Onward troops!
The march of war. [2003-09-09 13:54:00] Antwan
Ah... my loyal troops... I'm so choked up...
Ugh [2003-09-09 15:00:00] DeWalt Russ
I'll be the first to admit that Laconic's whole "post-apocalytic war" thing was in perfect fidelity to the whole sickly nerd notion of "fan fiction." That said, I'd like to say how much I regret the fact that anybody ever gave Antwan the idea that our relations could be explained in those terms. Really, we'd like you to go away. I would, anyhow.
Gee [2003-09-09 15:08:00] Morticia~ feels kinda strange to read that someone ELSE is being told to hit the road, after all the months that I read that about me. Does this mean that I now belong in thingsihate or I am just a modicum less grating than what's-his-name?
I agree that Antwan should leave, and while we are kicking ppl to the curb, perhaps we could aim for the cheat's butt while we are at it.

Too bad. [2003-09-09 17:25:00] Antwan
The funny people always get to stay. So there! Nah-nah.
Whew [2003-09-09 19:00:00] Pop
Glad you agree, Antoine. Come back when you can either write or support those who can.
[2003-09-09 19:20:00] Price Check
Pops, dont you feel that your over agressive coddling of your little daughters' website is somewhat weak?
Not over-aggressive [2003-09-09 19:30:00] Hieronymous Biscuit
I don't think that Pop is being overly aggressive; he's pulling his punches. Pop could cut you under both eyes, lay your nose over, and break a few ribs in the first round. Over aggressive would be a KO in under 30 seconds. Got to give the folks a show for their ticket.
Not Over [2003-09-09 20:21:00] Pop
Seems to me if I were being over-aggressive that I might have said something when Price Check thought anally raping my little daughters' Mom was an amusing topic. Or deleted his post entirely.
Wow. [2003-09-09 22:01:00] Mike the Unicycle Guy
A snide comment from someone (and 2 cronies to tag along) who's gotten too big for his britches and instead of saying something like "Gee, you're right. I went too far when I joked about anally raping your wife. I'm sorry. I was out of line." he decided to make sure that everyone knew just how out of line he could get.

Talk like that would get you beaten by an aluminum bat in most places, and by places I mean geographically and anatomically.
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