By: Sean
I Hate Adam Carolla
I can not tell you how much I hate this little weasel.
I can not tell you
how much I hate this little weasel. Nothing fires up an urge to kill in
the deepest part of my soul like being forced to watch or listen to
this terrible shrew of an unfunny man.
Even the most
un-skilled person at his trade can be forgiven for showing a little
modesty. The worst worker in the office never seems to be aware of his
status as such, and keeping that in mind, a person should never claim
to be the best at anything. Rarely are they correct.
The fact
that nothing Adam Carolla says fails to cross the line from "unfunny"
to " really stupid" wouldn't be nearly so bad if he didn't give off the
feeling that he fancies himself incredibly funny. There's nothing wrong
with telling bad jokes. Telling bad jokes, laughing at them all
immediately after you've said them, and telling your co-worker to
"write that down" whenever you think you've told a particularly funny
one, such as "You've been shirkin' your jerkin'!" is not OK. Pomposity
and half-assedness do not go hand in hand.
Conan O'Brien put
it well when he described his first impressions of the show. To quote,
from memory, and I'm sure inaccurately, "It's a call-in show, and
there's what seems to be this very knowledgeable man there answering
questions, and then there's this smart-ass sitting right next to him."
of the knowledgeable man, that is of course Dr. Drew, and I don't know
how the hell he puts up with Adam. One of these days, he's just going
to lunge at Adam and go straight for the jugular, I swear it. A man can
only tolerate so many stupid masturbation jokes before he snaps, and
Dr. Drew, sitting next to that human box of fulsomeness night after
night, has made himself the subject of a great experiment to see just
how much one man can take.
And though I avoid the show like the plague, I sincerely hope I'm watching the night that takes place.
Did Adam end up stopping by? If so, did you see him? I don't think that it is possible for me to agree more with you on the matter of Adam. He is a rude, idiotic, ill-informed, tactless twit. Equally stupid was the former female spokesperson, Diane. I won't even get into that.
You're a saucy one, Jack the Ripper!
...he didn't show up. I read something in the school newspaper the day after the show, and they said that Dr. Drew came out and told everyone that Adam's plane was late or something. Then he asked if anyone else hated the little bastard. Really. I think. I read this at breakfast a couple weeks ago.
I dunno, Sean; you'd think if you REALLY hated him, you'd at least have the decency to misspell his name.
Adam Carolla is a god. How dare you hate the smartest man who ever walked the face of this earth???
I would just like to say that the essay written about hating Adam Carolla was well-worded, yet completely recockulous. I am atheist, and Adam Carolla is the closest thing to a god that has walked the face of the Earth. Any man who would not agree with me on this, is either gay, or just a complete moron, and I am guessing that for the people who have written about hating him on this message board, a little of both. Screw you all! See you in hell!
personally I think Adam is funny, however it's obvious that he's also very lucky to have taken his limited talents and blossemed them into a very lucrative living. Whether you like him or not the man has done the most with what he has, which is a lot more than most people can say. As for you, lighten up, pull out a cold one, fire up a fat one and watch Tom Green or wrestling or something.
adam is a genius dont you have anything better to do then shit there and make sites about perfectly awesome people you dont like? and why thell should we care about your misguided hang ups?
I LIKE Adam Carolla. I do not like the Loveline TV show, but I DO like the Loveline radio show. Hooray for me.
I think your problem is that you have only seen Adam Corrolla on his show Too Late with Adam Corolla. He was funny on the man show with Jimmy Kimmel. Without someone to star with then he is just plain stupid.
not only is adam corlla unfunny,he is also really ugly.his face looks like bleached crap with yellow teeth.i laugh at anything,so when i say adam cockhole-a is unfunny,please believe it.when i think of asshole carolla taking up space on my planet,i miss all those assassins america had during the sixties.and to anybody thinking of writing that i must be gay because i don't like abortion cornhole-a,your mother's a cunt.
adam carolla is literally a millionaire. and hes a genius. you suck
hey athiest,how long did you have to stop swallowing corolla's cum in order to form that shortcut to thinking you call a response?who gives a fuck about him being a millionaire?of course you do,because like all cretins and dullards,you will kiss the asses of anyone who can buy and sell your pathetic're a waste.oh,and when you tout somebody as a genius,try to give at least ONE example of that so-called genius you sorry,dickless wonder.fuck you and that sow you call a mother you stinking,ignorant ratshit.
one more thing,atheist,only a take-it-up-the-ass faggy would use the word "recockulous".i suppose you like anything as long as there's cock in it.
I don't think that's true, realist, he doesn't like yo mama.
Adam carolla is one of the greatest men to walk this earth. Shame on you for thinking otherwise. How dare you be such a fucking moron. Go fist yourself fuckface.
basjen and man of exquisite passion,you two faggot-ass bitches can choke on corolla's dick like the weak little pussies you are.bad enough you think that ugly motherfucker is funny,but then you hold your ass cheeks open even wider by proclaiming him the greatest man to walk the earth?i'll bet you spend A LOT of time looking for a great man,don't you,you limp-wristed cunt?if you don't like what i say about that unfunny,lame-ass prick,TOUGH SHIT!it amazed how many candy-ass momma's boys like him.i guess homos are his target audience.exquisite passion,that sounds like some punk-ass shit.your mother's probably some gutter trash whore who'd take a cum shot to the face for beer money so why should her "son" be any different?get off your period,fag,and stop jerking off to corolla.and basjen,i know you come from a long line of cunts who shit out bastard children,so shut the fuck up and try being a man and not some sissy-ass puppet kissing the ass of a dick who doesn't even know you exist.your mothers are dirtbag sluts and so are your craggly,wrinkled old grandmothers and your fathers are dipshit losers i wouldn't waste time to flush down a go to hell you two corolla-worshipping assholes while yuor mothers are somewhere letting somebody go balls-deep in their ain't shit and your families ain't shit.fuck you and anybody fucked up enough to look like you.
"Pomposity and half-assedness do not go hand in hand."
This statement is not true; they often go hand in hand, more often than not actually, take your short essay for example.
Adam was arguing with the Mayor of LA and calling him "your highness" to his face. Corrolla was arguing for cigarette smoking to be allowed everywhere because if not we would be stepping towards a facist society with no civil liberties. The Mayor was even tempered and calm while adam sounded like a moron. I seriously don't understand why such a prominent figure would even go on a show with a person who clearly doesn't have the capacity to debate or understand a serious issue like breathing clean air. I'm just glad the roles aren't reversed because if you give the village idiot any kind of power he's going to screw everything up. After listening today I will not listen to this moron ever again. Additionally he's a racist who offended me before when he made fun of Asians by singing "ching chong chinaman"
In case all you Adam haters out there did'nt know, Adam Carolla has left Loveline(maybe the is a God afterall!). Now those of us who like to listen can do so without the ignorant, childish, racist, bigoted, homophobic rants of a 42 year old frat boy. And the rants, MY GOD!, he would go on and on about shit so irrelevant that it would make me want to reach in the radio and throttle that doushbag. The show's called Loveline not Adamline. And don't get me wrong, I'm all for free speech, but you have to shut your piehole and let others talk once in a while. Speaking of freedoms, the rant that gets my ass chapped is his famous anti-religion tirades. I'm not a bible thumper, but I respect the rights of others to belive what they want to. If Mr Adamolf Cahitler had his way, he'd have everyone who doesn't believe as he does or think like he does being rounded up and thrown into prison. That's all I have to say, all this hate has tired me out.
I've thought of some more things to say about Adam Carolla. Aside from his infintile sense of humor( I do enjoy fart jokes, farts are funny, but not all the time), is his appearance. I know that that's not the most offensive thing about him, even if he was the handsomest man on earth he'd still be a nimrod. But this is an Adam hating rant so I'll begin. First of all he always looks like he just ate the most horrible thing in the world and can't get the taste out of his mouth. He has this perpetual grimace that just annoying to me. His voice is annoying. his face is annoying. His jokes are annoying. And what is most annoying is that you see him everywhere, on game shows, on the E! channel on MTV, on Comedy Central. You can't get away from the retard. And the other thing is his teeth. Actually tombstones would be more of an acturate description. Tombstones that have yellow crap growing on them. Can you believe that this goof ever got laid? And some dope married him! I heard that Adam and his wife were trying to have a baby. OH CHRIST A BABY! I could just see it now if the kid were a girl: "Hey, hey honey it's your special day, 12 years ago your mom crapped ya out( he loves to say Crapped Out in talking about childbirth). I got ya some porn and a football, and a cake with a big dick on it. How's about a beer burp and big smelly fart for daddy?" Well I'm spent for now, look for Part 3, Adam hating in Outer Space!
"His voice is annoying. his face is annoying. His jokes are annoying. "
And he (Adam) openly admits it. He's comfortable in his skin and says what he wants. If no one was listening, he wouldn't be successful. Obviously you're jealous and can't contribute anything of your own, so you bash a celebrity. That takes balls....
BTW, for someone who is so much more advanced than Adam, you could at least spell "infantile" and "douchebag" correctly. Fucking douchnozzle.
Well, Loveline Fan, you're right. I spelled "infantile" and "douchebag" wrong. But Adam's still a douchebag, however you spell it.
BTW, how exactly do you fuck a douchenozzle?
Well, Loveline Fan, you're right. I spelled "infantile" and "douchebag" wrong. But Adam's still a douchebag, however you spell it.
BTW, how exactly do you fuck a douchenozzle?
George W Bush is still the President, the sky's still blue, and Adam's still a douchebag. Deal with it.
Adam Carolla ain't all bad.
What a waste of life ur
"Adamolf Cahitler" besides the unorthodox naming, the reality is that leaving apart the humorous intention of his rantings, what he expresses himself against is the extreme or beyond fundamentalism Christians. As you said it "I'm not a bible thumper"; that's the thing. The extension of a faith and religious beliefs to every aspect of life, may be prejudicial to the persons in such environment.
Let the WWF'ers and NASCAR fans have their god.
Adam Carolla is a boring douche. Plain and Simple.
Adam is funny. You retards arent forced to listen to anything he does, and yet... a whole page dedicated to the man! Hate is a lot closer to love than indifference you know. Flame on you ignorant little punks.
I'm just curious...for all you Carolla haters out there, who do you think is funny?
Look, Adam does say some funny things. But he sorely needs someone else to balance him out. I can't listen to him longer than 20 minutes. He needs someone that is more of a man's man, someone that has more experience with things like bar fights and getting laid. Those stories seem to attract more listeners, and Carolla just doesn't have enough in his experience basket to be able to talk about things like that. He is successful, but the question now is, for how long?
I really used to love Adam on his morning show, but thought he was really unfunny in the man show. He always looked like he was just reading, waiting for his turn to say something, then the monotone voice would come out..ugh.
But, his radio show I thought was a great replacement for Howard Stern as at that time I did not have Sirius, but now I can hardly listen to him anymore.
I think most of what Adam says is pretty funny...the first 20 fucking times, then it just gets old. He is a "literal millionaire" which is great, but we get it make money, cool!
I am slowly listening less and less but when I am working in LA I don't have Howard Stern, so I will listen but I'm always ready to turn the station when he starts a rant that I've heard twenty times before. A few weeks ago I swear I heard him rant on the exact same topic, with the exact same words two days in a row, and right then and there I decided that Adam is not an "American Genius" but an american, with a radio show that is sometimes funny and mostly horrible.
Fact is, Adam Carolla is not a total Howard rip-off, but close enough, and Howard's show is different everyday of the year, while "Music Mondays" is just a bad bit, and Adam has HORRIBLE taste in music..but that's another story.
Ok, that's my rant. Adam, you are "literally a millionaire" and Howard Stern is "literally worth a couple HUNDRED MILLION" so if he had never moved to Sirius, you wouldn't have an audience at all, and I can't wait to see what you say when that disaster of a movie "The Hammer" drops straight to DVD in a few weeks......who's fault will it be Adam? Not yours of course because you are so funny...I saw the trailer, it looks really bad.
These days, Adam Carolla has become the comedic darling of Hollywood's underbelly. I would have to guess that his peers include anybody that was at Pamela Anderson's Comedy Central Roast, which has to be the scariest group of folk in an industry turned reality TV. I allow people to compare Howard Stern to Adam Carolla, because after some time, you know that Stern on his worst day still walks all over the voice of Mr. Birchum. Carolla also had the nerve to create a non-movie called THE HAMMER, soon to be *out* of the theaters.
The evil, overhyped team of Jimmy Kimmel and Adam Carolla only thrives in an entertainment industry environment where even comedians don't want to be comedians anymore. They want to be "writers" or "directors" or in Adam's case, "literally a millionaire." Those two degenerates walked in when most of our celebrated comics either died tragically, retired, or moved on to more lucrative ventures like producing, directing, publishing, etc. So when the best of the best weren't around, Kimmel and Carolla moved in because that Hollywood agent from ENTOURAGE wanted a Hollywood created from the DNA of his shorts, and only his shorts. Adam rants about the "publicists" but it's the "publicists" that got him his radio gigs, his deep cable career, his lame feature film, and lately, his psychotic triggered episodes of Carollian Blowhardism.
Many still wonder, "How the hell did he get there?" That is a question for the ages, and once people do some research and find out, they can act accordingly, and get Carolla (and his secret lover Kimmel) off the air forever. He makes as much sense as the making of stars out of snotty Laguna Beach meth-addicted teens. It also shows us that people would rather promote a mysterious, unknown goof who did twenty-plus years as a comedy janitor, was still bad at it, because anybody who's in comedy before doesn't want to be in that game anymore.
Carolla is an elitist, *non-atheist* blowhard, with a following of seedy, dirtbag jerkoffs who, as an army, would destroy anybody in his path who's better, and if you notice the list of great guests on his radio show he used to have, aren't on his show anymore. Hopefully, The Powers That BC Disney Be, CBS Radio, and the rest of the old, old society still having a raging episode of midlife menopause will wake up, and can Carolla. They won't, and that is the tragedy of these times that a Carolla like them remains in the 1970s like they do.