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1999-05-29 In Which I do FRPG Stuff - Annna A dream brought on by too much Angband.
1999-05-28 Post-Apocalypse Gaming Shop - Annna A dream with dice and mutants. In real life, I now own a pair of those dice.
1999-05-18 Pansy-Ass Zombies - Annna The second zombie dream. Similes abound.
1999-05-11 The Zombies and the Video Game - Annna Zombie dream #1. Kind of long.
1999-05-10 Rescuing the Living Beanie Babies - Annna A dream. The only reason they're not doing this is because biotech isn't advanced enough yet.
1999-04-22 The Pay Telephones / Meet Bob Dole - Annna A dream in which I meet Bob Dole. And some telephones.
1999-04-16 In the Asylum of the Supervillians - Annna When I woke up from this dream, I was out of sorts for a couple hours.
1999-04-15 David Lynch - Annna A dream in which I house-sit. For David Lynch.
1999-02-28 David Byrne - Annna A dream.
1970-01-01 Old Men - Sean and their empty lives.
1970-01-01 Are you, or have you ever been...? - Sean I wrote this for a class. The instructor's comment was 'Less Hate.'
1970-01-01 Protected by AudioVox - Sean step away from the car
1970-01-01 Me and the Idiot Box - Sean I've been spending too much time with Mommy... I mean TV.
1970-01-01 I Hate Car Shopping - Sean incentive to get to heaven, because i've caught a glimpse of hell.
1970-01-01 I Hate Jerry Harrison - Annna Goddam that Jerry Harrison
1970-01-01 I Hate Adam Carolla - Sean I can not tell you how much I hate this little weasel.
1970-01-01 Dwight and the Boat - Annna A really odd dream I had. Some people might call it erotic. Damn peculiar, at any rate.
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