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1999-08-24 Waffles - Annna A dream. About waffles.
1999-08-22 Late Night - Annna A dream with a twisted albino comedy writer.
1999-08-21 Cult - Annna This dream is unusual, in that it has an actual ending and almost makes sense. However, there is a big part in the middle about text-based adventure games, so it evens out. Long.
1999-08-18 Stadium - Annna A dream in which people fall off of things and die.
1999-08-16 First Day of School - Annna A dream in which I meet an animated Richard Brautigan.
1999-08-12 Cat Souls - Annna A dream in which human souls are made into useful pets.
1999-08-10 Do the Borg Dance - Annna One of those didn't-study-for-the-test dreams.
1999-08-10 New York Fun - Annna A dream in which I am lost in New York City.
1999-08-08 Rescue Cheesecake - Annna A short dream in which pinups save the day.
1999-08-07 Fat Face Aliens - Annna A dream in which I speak with a revolting alien.
1999-08-06 Evil Robot Town - Annna A dream where I fight the robot tyrants. Kind of long.
1999-08-05 Not Blind - Annna A dream in which my sister turns out not to be blind.
1999-08-02 Ghoul Beach Party - Annna This is the closest my dreams have come to visiting the Dreamlands.
1999-08-01 Fugitive! - Annna A dream where I meet the President and don't get any pizza.
1999-07-23 Jesus In Your Heart - Annna A dream with dialogue.
1999-07-21 Two Memories - Annna A sketchy rememberence of two dreams in one night.
1999-07-07 Urban Ranching - Annna There sure has been a lot of construction in my dreams of late.
1999-07-02 Yog-Sothoth! - Annna A dream; building stuff out of discarded lumber.
1999-06-28 Stage Fright - Annna A dream with a little digression about filmmaking.
1999-06-27 My New Roommate - Annna A dream with no connection to my actual roommate.
1999-06-22 Aliens - Annna Sort of like a zombie dream, except from space.
1999-06-21 Arts and Crafts and Re-Animation - Annna A dream in which my sister re-animates the dead and my mother punches a nun. Featuring my old roommate!
1999-06-18 David Byrne Gets Mean - Annna My second dream to feature David Byrne, in which he is considerably less friendly.
1999-06-16 Charlie - Annna A dream in which my sister's friend Charles cuts up, and I have to dress giant Barbies.
1999-06-01 My Fourth Floor Adventure - Annna A moderately entertaining story about life in the dorms when one has just woken up.
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